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Can you install the LE QS3 center shock reservoir down?


VIP Member
Feb 14, 2011
Middleville, MI
2017 Sidewinder LTX SE
2012 Apex XTX
2012 RS Vector LTX
Middleville, MI
While looking over my new 2025 LTX LE I noticed that the reservoir is mounted up on the center shock and there is no rubber cover/shield for it because of this. Does anyone know if this shock also works flipped so the reservoir is on the bottom (spring end up)? In that orientation, I could run one of those rubber shields.

Is there clearance to do this would be the question I would think ? Next question would be why did factory not do this? Your thinking is protection of shock and spring and eliminate the ice build up right ?
Is there clearance to do this would be the question I would think ? Next question would be why did factory not do this? Your thinking is protection of shock and spring and eliminate the ice build up right ?

Yes, I am thinking for protection, ease of using the adjuster, and ease of changing the spring on the shock. It seems like I have seen pics with them installed with the reservoir on the bottom. This is the 1st sled I have had with the QS3-R/QS3 shocks on it. Plenty of others have had sleds with these shocks and I am wondering how they were installed and/or used on their sleds.
The upper and lower mounting hole diameter on the shock is different, it’s not possible to install the shock the other way around.
The upper and lower mounting hole diameter on the shock is different, it’s not possible to install the shock the other way around.
OK, thanks. Not sure how/why I saw a pic on here of one on an LE Viper or older LE Sidewinder that had the reservoir on the bottom. Maybe there were some years that they came that way?
