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Carbon practice

WolfOne said:
Some news from my shop

Here it is the CarbonKevlar hood and handsguard just pulled out from the mold.

In the next days I'll cut and finish those + instruments panel + fake headlight/air vent

Than I'll reinstall all instruments (clearing a little the underhood wire tangle).
Remote Start is on my table since last year ;):D
Tether kit with roll over valve is coming from USA

Then just wait december to ride and ride and ride testing the c/k toys before spend much more money in other ck body panel and tunnel :)






The shocking colour is not so bad in real life ... for now i'll keep natural ... than i'll decide if paint it or not

That is absolutely sick! ;)! Jealous!

Unfortunately I had to give up on Carbon-Kevlar parts because:

- with same thickness are much weaker than those in full carbon

- weight more than the full carbon

- the finishing of surface and edges not reached the level that I want. When I sand and cut the CK, lots of filaments are produced and the result is that the sled seems to be wearing a wool sweater :) ... but this is a personal technical fault ... need to do more experience.

Maybe I'll use the ck as internal reinforcement when I'll make the chassis and suspensions.

However, ladies and gentlemen, here are the first components finished and ready to be assembled ... hoping to put the sled on the snow this WeekEnd for a short test.

Sorry ... poor pictures take by phone.

The instrument panel.
It needs only some vent hole but I'm waiting to figure out te harness connections under it.

Yess, i've not installed rpm and speed ... I needed them during the engine-clutch set-up ... but now the sled runs fine and i don't need them more.
When I'll be sure of the reliability of the systems installed i'll pull away all this stuff and I'll install just some warning led and a full vented panel.




May be not easy to understand ... my new full carbon hood still in the mold


Headlight air vent.
Made with a different technique.
It's very thin (0,5 mm / 0,02") but the surface is very rough and don't like it.
I'll go to made a new one during next weeks


The windshield with the gloss paint (i'll go to add one layer of paint to have a more "deep and 3D" look


Last week end we had the first real snowfall with about 15" at 6000.
Staff of local yamaha dealer go out for a short ride but it was an hazard imho. Officially the season starts at thebeginning of dec. :jump:
