Catalyst 998t rumours

Either Dealers sell at discounted prices or face the cost of holding units over summer.. Either way it cost them money…. And if they are on a floor plan as many are, it really cost them to hold on to non-current models… Funny how it flips to a buyers market so fast…
Gotta be careful of these so called sales. The few I checked out they were adding freight , pdi and were pushing to finance u which they make money as well.

Was going to trade but no one would take a trade as their used inventory was too high. One dealer had 144 used sleds.
Gotta be careful of these so called sales. The few I checked out they were adding freight , pdi and were pushing to finance u which they make money as well.

Was going to trade but no one would take a trade as their used inventory was too high. One dealer had 144 used sleds.
Yes your right a on dealers adding to advertise price.. Always get out the door including warranty or anything extra added… I also had them give me a big discount on extra parts like studs, carbides, mirrors, extra belt and so on.. I also negotiated a lower 5 year warranty charge so be assertive in your negotiations…
For sure , and if you finance watch the life insurance and vehicle replacement insurance , I’ve seen people get hit with $2k plus over the term of the loan , which a high percentage goes back to dealer from these firms supplying coverage .
Gotta be careful of these so called sales. The few I checked out they were adding freight , pdi and were pushing to finance u which they make money as well.

Was going to trade but no one would take a trade as their used inventory was too high. One dealer had 144 used sleds.
I always let them finance me, typically the higher the rate the steeper discount they will offer on the vehicle as they make points with the lender. I smile and sign. I just turn around upon receipt of the first bill and pay it off. A buyer for Enterprise rent a car taught me to do that years ago. There is no penalty for early payment that I have ever seen. I think that is even illegal to put on a loan.
I always let them finance me, typically the higher the rate the steeper discount they will offer on the vehicle as they make points with the lender. I smile and sign. I just turn around upon receipt of the first bill and pay it off. A buyer for Enterprise rent a car taught me to do that years ago. There is no penalty for early payment that I have ever seen. I think that is even illegal to put on a loan.
I do the same when I buy any vehicle. Cars , trucks , sled , bike. Most time there’s rebates involved if you finance through the dealer and or manufacturer. Pay it off or refinance at a lower rate at first payment, it’s free money!
I always let them finance me, typically the higher the rate the steeper discount they will offer on the vehicle as they make points with the lender. I smile and sign. I just turn around upon receipt of the first bill and pay it off. A buyer for Enterprise rent a car taught me to do that years ago. There is no penalty for early payment that I have ever seen. I think that is even illegal to put on a loan.
Yup, prepayment penalties are a thing of the past. The last car I bought I kinda had to do it there on the spot so I wanted to put 3K down and finance the rest just so I had a chance to move some money around to pay it off in the next week or so. Guy was super pissed and wanted me the finance the whole thing.
Of course I didn't tell him my intentions were to pay it off immediately so I told him if he'd give me another $500 off I'd finance the whole thing or walk. He obliged and then sent me a nasty e-mail when he found out I paid it off.
Gotta be careful of these so called sales. The few I checked out they were adding freight , pdi and were pushing to finance u which they make money as well.

Was going to trade but no one would take a trade as their used inventory was too high. One dealer had 144 used sleds.

Agreed. I don't mess with those dealers that want to add anything myself. The prices I've seen and spoke about have no freight, setup or hidden charges posted right in the add.

The market right now certainly appears to be flooded, and IMO this will continue into the next couple of seasons with the COVID buyers selling units that were really never into riding anyway. Its going to take a couple-three good winters to do any good on the supply of units for sale out there IMO. Maybe the OEM's will limit production, who knows, but the deals are out there right now for a guy looking for a machine thats for certain, at least here in the States anyway. Pricing is way-way down this spring.
Either Dealers sell at discounted prices or face the cost of holding units over summer.. Either way it cost them money…. And if they are on a floor plan as many are, it really cost them to hold on to non-current models… Funny how it flips to a buyers market so fast…
Yup, the interest on floor plan is about 1.5% per month. I cannot imagine Yamaha helping dealers with floor plan costs since they are bailing out of the business.
Here’s a good question …. What do you guys think the average depreciation for a new sidewinder that a dealer carries over to the next year ( lack of sale ) I figured it was about the same as what a dealer would pay on his floor plan interest cost or about $1,600.00 dollars…Sleds that are a year older have to lose value ?
I don’t know how you came up with that amount what they would pay but you are way higher than what they pay I worked for the financial company an we made that kind money I would been able to retire a very rich person
Here is one floor plan I see online. They are a short term company. Note the accumulated cost at 120 days for $7500 ( which is about 1/3 the cost of a new SRX ). Not a good deal. I am sure there many types of plans out there. The point is that floor plan is expensive. Some manufacturers will subsidize sled floor plans until fall if dealers take delivery when they are built. If a sled sits there off season, the dealer pays. For a non current model that can get to be expensive. I know dealers that have crates upon crates of 23's, and 24's. Unless there are a big dealer that can pay cash 30 days after delivery, it gets real expensive as time goes on especially since they will have to cut the price of the sled to get it sold. Imagine having a bunch of 23' or 24' 800 pro cross cats on the floor or sitting in crates after cat customers ordered 858's . I expect to see smaller dealers really suffer this summer.

Quick Flip – First 10 days
$35.00 on vehicles $7500 or below.
$7501 and above $35 or rate (Whichever is Higher)
$75 minimum charge on all vehicles on the 11th day ( per month ) .

On the 60th day, pay accumulated fees only.
On the 120th day, pay accumulated fees along with 10% curtailment.
On the 180th day, final payment is due.

Finance Vehicles up to 180 days. // No Audit Fee.
I worked for a floor plan company an every dealer pays diferent rate but they are prime plus something if the dealer is a big $ dealer gets better rate an there is always programs when there is bad year but for yamaha sleds i would not thing so because of the really low units in stock but if i would guess they are going to pay about 40 per month
I worked for a floor plan company an every dealer pays diferent rate but they are prime plus something if the dealer is a big $ dealer gets better rate an there is always programs when there is bad year but for yamaha sleds i would not thing so because of the really low units in stock but if i would guess they are going to pay about 40 per month
So your saying it only cost $40.00 per month to carry a sidewinder under a floor plan so thats $480.00 per year … So lets just use $14,000 as a cost of sled to dealer thats about 2.86% which seems a little low but if that is their cost then no big deal to carry over a couple of sleds.. In the case of dealer near me , they had approx. 150 new sleds, 75 rental sleds, and a few used sleds that did not sell… $1,600 I quoted was loss in resale value because the sled is a year older and I estimated the floor plan cost to be about the same … lets just say the floor plan cost is $500.00 and depreciation is $1,500.00 its still a $2,000.00 loss of revenue for that dealer… Prices are falling and older models can be bought cheaper now and next fall they will still be bought at a good price Iam sure…
So your saying it only cost $40.00 per month to carry a sidewinder under a floor plan so thats $480.00 per year … So lets just use $14,000 as a cost of sled to dealer thats about 2.86% which seems a little low but if that is their cost then no big deal to carry over a couple of sleds.. In the case of dealer near me , they had approx. 150 new sleds, 75 rental sleds, and a few used sleds that did not sell… $1,600 I quoted was loss in resale value because the sled is a year older and I estimated the floor plan cost to be about the same … lets just say the floor plan cost is $500.00 and depreciation is $1,500.00 its still a $2,000.00 loss of revenue for that dealer… Prices are falling and older models can be bought cheaper now and next fall they will still be bought at a good price Iam sure…
And he might not be paying any if bought on to next year programs they the manufacturer picks it up interest on the units
