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centre shock


Dec 16, 2008
sask canada
How do I know if I have it too stiff or soft. I adjusted it a little to take some ski pressure off. The reason I ask is that when I come off an approach and there is a bump on the other side it feels like I bottom out, or is it too stiff and not takeing the bump? Jumped on a rev and did not feel a thing. Can someone measure the threads left on their shock so I can compare. I am setting up the sled for 200lbs

Also in the service manual it gives spring length for all the shocks. Is the measurement taken with sled on the ground or lifted so there is no load on the springs.
You will tend to feel the center shock action more thru your feet and the rear shock thru your butt. When riding it, think of it that way, feel for it that way. Make adjustments according to that feel. At least, thats what I do. But, honestly, I have not even really tweaked mine from stock.. Im 240# and a very aggressive rider. I think this thing works awesome. Just had my shocks rebuilt, and I stayed stock. No complaints, it simply rocks. 40th anniversary model, but with GYTR's up front.. Dont like the floaters..
