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Clutch Noise Fix


TY 4 Stroke Master
Feb 27, 2004
Seacoast Region, New Hampshire
I need part numbers for the clutch noise fix, does anyone have them? My dealer is nice and will do the work, but they are generally clueless and will not know about this unless I give them part numbers. they sell bikes mainly and sleds seem like more of a hobby to them. Agian, nice guys and they call the rep if they need help, so the work has all been good, it's just that I always go there prepared since most of the stuff I tell them about they have never heard before.

I got the parts in my clutch. My guy is so busy he has not given me the part#.
But here is what you do.
Tell them it is available. They need to talk to a tech rep named Larry at Yamaha. I am pretty sure he is at the Pleasant Prarie WI regional headquarters.
So if they are clueless, this should help them find it. If the problem is that they are lazy, then I dont know what else to say.
Thanks Tork. I would not say they are lazy, they have been good with everything I have asked, they just need to be pointed in the RIGHT direction. For instance I had the crate damage on my left front spindle of my RX-1 that many people had. Well, they ordered a new one right away as soon as they saw it. I had not even seen it yet. This is good. However, they ordered a silver one and mine is black. Then they ordered another one and lost it somehow. FINALLY they have the new one and the only way they can make sure to not lose it is to keep it in one of the mechanics tool box!! Great guys, just clueless and disorganized.
I talked to my dealer and he did called Yamaha but the manufacture will not release the parts number until it has been tested for awhile. They are waiting for us the users to let them know if we have any problem with the new parts installed and they also want to know how long it will last. I'm going for a 1000 miles ride next week and I have to let them know if it's still quiet. As soon the part number is out my dealer will let me know.
Tork yami is watching this site and sent Bob a note on this issue, he is getting his little guy slapped for giving you this info. He had a copy sent to him off the pages on this website with you and me and others talking about it. lol, Be nice if they would just fix the things and not try to hide about the apparent problems. Once again STEP UP YAMI and fix the little things that are wrong with the sleds! Getting old listening to the competitors having problems and getting them fixed no charge and we always take it in the A$$ and pay for our updates, if ya want a list I am sure we can get a short one for ya that are reoccuring with all sleds which according to you have never run across. OK now I will come off my high horse.
I don't understand why Yamaha would be upset with Bob if they gave him
the parts in the first place to try out. I called him today to see if I could get a kit for my sled, but he had already used the ones he had. Said they worked great. My dealer has no idea what I am talking abought so I asked if they would ask yamaha,we will see what they come up with. I have almost 1000 miles now and would really like to get this fixed.

Vectory- How did you or your dealer get ahold of the kit installed in your sled? Did yamaha pay for the install or did you? Kind of wondering how Yamaha is getting these kits in sleds while some dealers are still in the dark? Or does the dealer have to complain first?
Slush Monster, No I did not pay for nothing. I mentioned the problem to my dealer and he called Yamaha and asked if there is a fix and Yamaha said that yes that they are aware of the noise. They said that they are testing a kit on the new 2006 models. My dealer asked them if they could send him a kit and they did. But apparently they are not going to issue this kit to all dealers. In fact they are waiting for more testing and answer back from me and others that had the kit installed. No parts number release yet until more testing. It is what my dealer said anyway. Like I said, I will be doing some testing next week on my big trip to Quebec, Canada and hoping to do between 1000 & 1500 miles(2000 to 2500Km). It should be a good testing to see how long it will last. I hope that everybody get this kit install because it's excellent now. Very quiet at any speed. You may hear a bit when you slam the throttle when you start to move because you are under load but it quiet right away.
clutch shims

I just called Ryan at Nelson's Speed Shop and he said that Yamaha is paying for a one time only clutch shim repair to quiet them down. He did agree that sooner or later the noise will probably return. I didn't get any part numbers, but he said that they have been doing them, but require that the sled be ther (not just the clutch) and that it has at least 500 miles on it.

Don't really want to drop it off in the middle of snow season, so maybe I'll take advantage of this at the end of the season if they haven't come up with a more permanent fix...
Thanks for the info. I guess we will just have to wait and see what yamaha
will do for us. Seems like they would want to fix this pronto. Not very good advertising to potential customers to have our new sleds sound like gravel crushers right off the showroom floor. Keep us posted. I can sort of see why yamaha wants to wait for more test results, but shouldn't this have been done BEFORE they sold it to us?
about the clutch noise on the rs models,i have a 03 rx1 with the same noise but not as bad except at idle because of the fire of 4 cylinders instead of 3,the firing of the 3 cylinder is just right for harmonics of the moving parts of the clutch at idle its click click click but at 55-6 g's its different sound,i think the biggest cause of this is the fact that the pins that carry the rollers are not tight to the spider,the bolt tightens to the hollow pin but the pin floats side to side making a clicking noise,the pins that carry the weight have allen locking screws so they dont click side to side at all,if you take off about 1/16" off the ends of the pins that hold the rollers the bolt will tighten on the spider and wont click,an idling rx1 with the clicking "valve noise" dissapears when you do this so the valve noise is clutch noise after all,hope this helps,from your northern maine research and development association
