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Clutching advise please


Jan 4, 2008
My MTX will bounce off the rev limiter @9250 for the first 20 feet or so then hold 9-9100@ 5000 feet other than that the clutching seems good for now. I want to change the muffler but I know it will only get worse. Can I just add some weight to the primary weights? Please help. Thanks

To help you it would be useful to tell us your current setup (clutching ang gearing)!

Primary has 8FS weights a black spring with green, white, green paint marks.
Secondary has a black spring with a pink mark and is in hole 6
thanks again.
I put on a muffler off of a street bike and it runs and sounds way better!! Also I cleaned the clutches and put on a new belt and now it just barely bumps the limiter only sometimes!! it holds 9-9100 all the way to the top! Darn slipping clutches!
Buy a Shockwave adjustable secondary. This will allow you to dail in the helix angle of the secondary back shift for trails and deep snow and keep ypu in the target RPMs of the engine.

I run one on my SCRX-1 and am very happy with it.

