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Dec 29, 2008
Rockford, IL
Man I wish I had some cool story to tell you. I was ditch riding tonight. I came to a T in the road. Stopped to see what road it was. Began to turn right and thump. I bumped the left ski on the metal drainage thing that runs under the road. I thought nothing of it I was going less that 5 mph. I noticed the sled was starting to handle funny so I stopped to look. And what do you know upper & lower arms look bent and so does the sub frame. What BS. I have owned this sled for 2 weeks. Rode 290 miles. And a 5mph bump causes this much damage. I can't wait to call the dealer tomorrow for parts. I'm sure they will be thousands of dollars which in return will cause me to call my insurance.
:o| :o| :o| :o| :o| :o| :o| :o|

i feel your pain i bent my subframe to. if you call your insurance it wont cost you much now but they will jack up your rates on the sled and problem everything els you own (i hate those f---ers). i didnt even bother fixing my sled because the bend doesnt really afect the ride but if i was gona replace the subframe i would reinforce the #*$&@ out of it.
How many guys have just straighted their subframe and a arms? How did you do it?

After a little sleep I am a little more relaxed here. But to be honest with everyone this being my first yammi (coming from skidoo) do I need to ride this thing like a B*t*h? or else it will break everytime.
The "metal drainage things" DON'T move at all, so a small hit causes alot of damage. I hit one on a sled built in the 90's, and that even bent stuff on that sled.
Man I wish I had some cool story to tell you. I was ditch riding tonight. I came to a T in the road. Stopped to see what road it was. Began to turn right and thump. I bumped the left ski on the metal drainage thing that runs under the road. I thought nothing of it I was going less that 5 mph. I noticed the sled was starting to handle funny so I stopped to look. And what do you know upper & lower arms look bent and so does the sub frame. What BS. I have owned this sled for 2 weeks. Rode 290 miles. And a 5mph bump causes this much damage. I can't wait to call the dealer tomorrow for parts. I'm sure they will be thousands of dollars which in return will cause me to call my insurance.
:o| :o| :o| :o| :o| :o| :o| :o|

The Doo's do the same thing go read doo talk
YEA i JUST SAID THE DOO THING OUT OF ANGER. I don't really want a doo. I called the dealer this morning. He said bring it in. Said there might be some gray area but he will see what he can do.
I straightened and re-enforced mine last year and then bent it again last week-end (large rock, bent lower arm and slight bend in spindle) I'm going to put a new lower(keep the old one and straighten it) on it and re-straighten the clip. With the lower bent and the spindle almost straight up and down, I just re-toed the sled at the lunch stop and put another 100 miles on that trip. It wasn't near perfect but it was 'predictable' and kept me in action.

It really depends on your normal riding style and if you can back it down a notch. I keep trying to see where I can take the MTX and keep getting bitten.
I keep calling it the sub frame why do others call it the clip? After straightening it yourself did it seem to handle ok at high speeds?
How many guys have just straighted their subframe and a arms? How did you do it?

After a little sleep I am a little more relaxed here. But to be honest with everyone this being my first yammi (coming from skidoo) do I need to ride this thing like a B*t*h? or else it will break everytime.

This is not just isolated to Nytro's. We see TONS of FCats and Doos come in that don't look damaged at first glance. Look closer and you'll see some minor damage to the ski and the suspension. Some times there is no damage at all to the suspension, just a bent bulkhead/subframe. The bulkhead/subframe whatever you want to call it bends easy on these as well.

Bottom line...Don't hit stuff and you won't have a problem..otherwise we need to sacrifice some weight for a stronger chassis.
I keep calling it the sub frame why do others call it the clip? After straightening it yourself did it seem to handle ok at high speeds?

I just call it the front clip from racing asphalt oval cars.

I had no issues with running 70-80 MPH down trail 8 in the UP this past week-end, but I can't guarantee you won't.
All I can Say is I Feel ur pain man. My sled went in a month ago the replaced the a arms and then realized that the subfram was bent im now a month off my sled and on an apex rtx witch i hate riding Ditch bangin near imposible
I have seen different sleds hook the carbides and torch the a arms this past weekend and a brand new cat had the same thing happen. I suggest doing what I do I grind the front bump(the weld) down smooth like a ramp. and that will prevent the hooking factor that no one really addresses. it takes a little time and don't take off to much or they will fall off. but it's a great idea. sorry about the mishap. I saw it happen to other sleds this weekend. not just a nytro issue really..............B
