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Curve skis.....scathing review

Scott Berstrom has helped more customers solve darting and ski handling problems than anyone esle in the industry. The ski guys don't like the fact that he's fixed OEM junk skis with his products. Just my opinion, and I may be wrong.

Not really knocking the Curve skis, never tried them, but I did find it odd when they first came to the market with claims of anti darting and then followed up with the Leading Edge anti dart solution.

Skis handle differently on different sleds. What worked on the older Rev sleds, ie. Pilots, doesn't work well on the Nytros. People's opinions vary though.
On ice or super smooth hard pack I never had darting. Its the soft trail full of ski tracks that freezes rock hard overnight that makes for the worst darting. Mosty caused by Ski-Doo's and Nytros with their twitchy steering. In those frozen rock hard tracks the LE on the Curves works well to chew a track to which you can easily get out of bad ruts made by other skis. That is what the LE was made for and works.

In the softer chewed up trails I was quite happy with the curves and how they performed. All skis dart if subjected to the right conditions. Some are worse then others Curves are not by anymeans one of the worst even without the LE tech. I have watched guys in front of me darting around on the trail and I had lettle to no darting. Then the next day different conditions and I'm darting around with the curves. Watching and asking the others I,m with they are darting worse.

I think dart free is a myth! Dart less is possible. Yamis new tunner might be something i would try. But like every ski I've tried so far follow a frozen in track made by the same ski as yours and darting rears its ugly head.
I am Canadian and deal with American suppliers a lot. All I will say is Canadian Customs suck, no offence to anyone except Canadian Customs. LOL
While testing for my XC racing set up I tried many combinations of different skis and skags, flipping the rubbers, trying different suspension set ups and at the end of the day the set up that worked best for me was stock '08 Yamaha Nytro RTX skis. The stock skis were the most consistent set up for riding on packed down trails. Like was mentioned, darting was the worst on trails that had frozen hard with lots of ski ruts in them. The stock skis offered the lightest steering effort and when you had the right amount of ski pressure dialed in, they took corners the most predictably as well. But, like I always mention when I post about skis, if you do any off trail riding the older stock skis are too narrow at 5" wide and they knife in, don't float and make a heavy Yamaha feel like it weighs a lot more.

The Curve skis are not a magic elixer for the Nytro. But, no ski is. The problem with the Nytro is the terrible front end geometry and too much transfer. No ski is going to fix that. The Curves did turn really nice when there was a little bit of fluff or loose snow on a trail. If you want less darting run some Deuce bars or something similar for a lot less money than aftermarket skis. The problem with the dual skag products is they are give and take. You give up cornering precision (they push) to gain less darting. The Yamaha tuner skis are dual skag and if they are wider than 5" a lot of guys might find that set up is the way to go if darting is your #1 complaint. I've not tried a set but have ridden other dual skag skis and they all push in the corners when ridden aggressively.

I should add with all the testing I've done I spent my own money on skis and skags so I've got nothing to gain here. IMO, if you need more floatation for off trail I'd buy a set of Yamaha ski bottoms that are wider simply because its a less expensive route to go. The mountain sleds and the VK Pro use wider skis.
I have had very good luck with my Apex Mountain ski's running 6in Stud Boy shaper bars good flotation for the bit of powder a shorty Apex will do. Good on trails and have only noticed some darting under very extreme conditions (frozen ruts). Good cheap setup overall.
Heritage. Before you invest in the new Yamaha Dual Tuner skis, ask around about them and get some comments on people who have used them. My dealer says they are the cats meow for the Nytros, but they do not help the Apex,s and Vectors as much as they help the Nytors. It all depends on what Yamaha model you are buying them for.
That is a generous offer by both curves and daranello...however at this time...I am not inclinded to do either (no offense daranello).

I never said I HATED my curves...just said they darted more than I expected in certain conditions, and that I believe AVERAGE TRAIL JOES would be better suited to buy dually's...I saw what Bergstrom said...and I agree with him. Right now we have no snow...so no riding anyway....I may just trade this machine in (depending what yamaha comes out with)....if I keep my attak...I might just purchase dual tuners, and give them a try...if I do that I will sell my curves here on this site.

I will say I am more than willing to give curve a second chance...so...instead of sending me stock yami skis (which I never asked for)...why don't you send me these leading edges...I keep hearing about...i'd be glad to try them and post how they work (either way) right here.

As I said before the curves are a quality built product, and look very sharp...it's the darting in certain contions that tick me off....I don't feel that you should buy a set of skis that claim to reduce darting....then have to buy another product two years later (leading edge)...because these skis still dart...that ain't right people, and that is what chaps my #*$&@...sorry...don't mean to cause a ruckus, or piss people off.

I was informed by my wife...that I am getting a set of carbides for my curves for xmas.....lol Don't know how she found them...but she did...so I changed some suspension settings...limiter strap...and stiffened the front up...I am also going over to a buddies garage to RE CHECK...ski- alignment, and toe out..(never know...might have hit something since I had it checked)....and if we get any snow this year, I am going to try them again.

Again thanks for the offers guys.
Silly me, I didn't even notice you weren't riding a Nytro! I had an '05 Vector and the Deltabox chassis responds better to aftermarket skis than does the Nytro. For that sled I still liked the stock skis for XC racing on set up trails but for play riding and going off trail I used 6" wide Ultra Flex III's which were a copy of some early C&A's. Yamaha's are too front heavy for 6" wide skis IMO for off trail riding so after I installed a 136" track I then bought some VK Pro 7" wide bottoms and put my stock hardware onto them. I liked that they had a snowboard type rounded tip and the tails were really kicked up for going into reverse. The downside is the keels weren't very deep so the skis didn't bite in the corners as well but they worked better for off trail than the C&A copies. I'd recommend 8" wide skis for any Yamaha being used off trail in deep snow.

For skags the Curves use the C&A bolt pattern so that allows for a big selection to choose from. I like Shaper bars from Stud Boy. I never had too much issue with darting on my Vector. It was a much better handling sled than the Nytro. I noticed the DB chassis was sensitive to ski pressure, get too much and more darting would occur. I tried the Curves out on the Vector for a little while and I could tell they really gripped well in the corners. In fact they turned better than any ski I had used before. The downside was they knifed in when used in deep, windblown snow due to the hourglass shape. They are only about 5" wide in the middle of the ski. The Curves made no improvement for me to reduce darting on icy, rutted trails. I found the stock ski to work best in those conditions both on the Vector and Nytro. I liked using a round bar skag with 4" or 6" of carbide and 96 studs. My Vector was a good, stable sled at high speed with that set up on hard, fast trails.
Well I had Curves on My Nytro XTX and LOVED the skis....Sold the Nytro with the skis and guess what...I bought Curves again with NO LE...(i drive too Fast) That being said my 2011 Apex came with Woodies Dollies so I will test with them first...

BTW Pilots suck worst skis ever made IMO
SnowTrackers! On stock ski's, the only thing that WILL eliminate hunting/tracking 100%. and turn when you want to!
I think every one in our group that rode my sled with them now has them.
I have either bought or rode other peoples sled with just about every said fix that there is.
Nothing performs like the Tracker's period and they are cheaper than ski's including the tuners.
And they also wear very well.
kviper said:
SnowTrackers! On stock ski's, the only thing that WILL eliminate hunting/tracking 100%. and turn when you want to!
I think every one in our group that rode my sled with them now has them.
I have either bought or rode other peoples sled with just about every said fix that there is.
Nothing performs like the Tracker's period and they are cheaper than ski's including the tuners.
And they also wear very well.
Well said!!! ;)! ;)!
kviper said:
SnowTrackers! On stock ski's, the only thing that WILL eliminate hunting/tracking 100%. and turn when you want to!
I think every one in our group that rode my sled with them now has them.
I have either bought or rode other peoples sled with just about every said fix that there is.
Nothing performs like the Tracker's period and they are cheaper than ski's including the tuners.
And they also wear very well.

Ive got 15000 ks with my trackers on yammie skis and they rock , no darting or hunting what so ever
When the ski is turned and starts to un hook dual anything fills with snow and pushes. Like having a flat plate under the ski.
