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1nc 2000

Lifetime Member Tim
Feb 26, 2010
Reaction score
Marquette, MI
Yamaha FX Nytro RTX SE
Never heard of Yamaha decals coming off.
Our Vector has one missing.

Didn't notice for a while. Looked thru pictures on my phone and determined when and where it went missing.
Borders Inn Feb 5 2021 it disappeared....
That was fairly typical on the first gen Ape’s and all Vec’s in the DBII chassis. I’ve got half a dozen Vec’s in the family currently and I’m pretty sure all of them are missing at least one.
brother venture lost the one on the right side. i just peeled off the one on the other side so it matched.
I have an 08 vector with a just starting decal lift off on one small tip of the decal. Anyone know what type of glue works to try to save it? Thanks
Same thing happened on the 2012 Vector we owned.
23 srx I had both front top decals peel off the tunnel
Had an '09 Vector that one side ended up missing. Never saw it happen and didn't realize it was gone after it happened. That surface definitely invites poor adhesion.
Clean surfaces with automotive wax&grease remover, then heat plastics with a heat gun or hair dryer, apply decal and apply heat again while working decal "into plastics" this will work the texture into the decal, never had one come loose with this techneche.
