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Do I need a new battery?


Oct 31, 2007
Upstate, NY
I purchased a new oem battery for my 06 Apex last year. When I got the sled out of storage it fired right up like I had run it last week. I started it 5 or six more times this fall moving it around, putting it on and off the trailer and getting it ready for the winter. It didn't give me any indication that the batter was weak at all. I went to Quebec this past weekend and with the temp about 15 degrees the sled did not even think about starting. I jump started it and it started fine the rest of the day and then it would not start again Sunday morning. How can I tell if the battery just needs a charge or if it is too weak. I hate to think I need to buy a $100 battery for it every year. I store my sled in my trailer which is in my inlaws pole barn but there is now power so I can't leave it on a battery tender all summer. Any ideas? If I do need a battery what is the best one I can get? I ride in Canada quite frequently and -15 is common later in the winter.
Thank you

If there is a short then why would it have fired up after sitting all summer and fired up all fall. The only time it was an issue was on really cold mornings. Not saying you are wrong just wonder why. Thank you for the reply.
Maybe just a bad battery. It should perform much better than that. Mine sits all summer with no charging and fires up all winter including to minus 30 temperatures.
A lot of times a battery will show good on a voltage meter but when load tested they fail badly. Cold motor turn over draws alot of juice.
Take your battery to a good battery retailer and have them test it for you. While you are there buy an Optimate 3 or 4 and use it when you are not riding your sled.

If your storage area has no power, then pull the battery out of the sled during the summer and hook it up to the Optimate in your own garage.
get an oddesey battery off of ebay, way better battery and same money. I have the 625 pwc battery in mine, and only paid 70 bucks shiped to me. Maxdlx
I had a similar problem, intermittent battery problem. Would start fine and 1 hour later be dead. It turned out is was the battery. Have them load test it and work toward warranty. I know I know but my dealer did warranty my battery. Worth a try.
PS Don't forget to check the connections (not loose)
the plates inside get coated...and start to loose charge and not take charge....the optimate 3 and 4 has a desulfating mode which removes this coating and can actually revive many batteries which would fail a load test and otherwise seem to need replacement
sj said:
the plates inside get coated...and start to loose charge and not take charge....the optimate 3 and 4 has a desulfating mode which removes this coating and can actually revive many batteries which would fail a load test and otherwise seem to need replacement

Ok Ok Already. I'll bite.
What is an optimate 3 or 4?
Links to info?
if your battery volts are below 12.4, you need to recharge your battery. but also like sj was talking about the coating on the plates, (sulfation) even though your battery may say it has a good charge its "life" may not be enough to crank your engine. i would definataly get it tested. and these maintanance free batteries will lose there charge over time. more so than a conventional battery. the yuasa manufacter says that if you plan on having your machine sit for more that 2 weeks that the battery should be on a (battery tender)(optimate)
I would go to a battery shop and have it tested. If its bad go to your dealer and tell them you just had it tested and its only a year old. They should cover it and do buy an optimate 3 anyway. IF you have to buy a battery buy an oddesey.
