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DOO guy with nytro issues, please help!!!!

The Nytro package is complete and we are 110% satisfied with the outcome. The Phazer has been a great performer simply with the use of a shaper bar. Based on Reapers feedback however, I believe we will revisit things.

We haven't needed to sub contract "the fun part" yet. If that time comes we will surely keep you in mind! It's always excellent practice to extend your opinion base from within company walls though.... when we are finished testing, maybe we'll just give you a great deal and you can let us know your thoughts ;)!



I'm impressed you would spend the time and effort to make your ski design work for ONE specific sled. This dedication alone makes me want to run your skis next year. Good job!! See guys, FEEDBACK is a good thing.
I think once you get to know our company a bit better you won't be so surprised.

We like to break the rules. Our goal is to provide a "Ski System" to our customers. You contact us or your dealer and say look, I have this machine, this many studs, I ride this way and I'm this big, give me your best. We then offer you a tailored system and take all the guess work out. We might even offer some suspension settings to get you where you want to be.

The bottom line is when you ride our package we want you to love our skis but even more, we want you to love your sled. After all, something was missing and that is why new skis came up as an option.

It's our job to figure it out. We just want you to enjoy the sport. The more feedback we get from you, the easier it is for everyone.


unpride said:
Where and what time will you be riding this weekend Yamanator? I may be up for a ride this weekend. I have a buddy that knows some crazy ungroomed trails up therer. Were talking 4ft bombed out ditches as well as good trails. The guy is one of the fastest guys ive ever ridden with.

Not sure on the when and where, other than I'll most likely be riding Sun and Mon.
Curve Industries said:
The Nytro package is complete and we are 110% satisfied with the outcome. The Phazer has been a great performer simply with the use of a shaper bar. Based on Reapers feedback however, I believe we will revisit things.

We haven't needed to sub contract "the fun part" yet. If that time comes we will surely keep you in mind! It's always excellent practice to extend your opinion base from within company walls though.... when we are finished testing, maybe we'll just give you a great deal and you can let us know your thoughts ;)!



WOW, now thats customer service !

The Phazer is very groovy with CurveXS and stud boy 6" carbides Aaron sent me but as mentioned heavy in the tight trails to the point you begin to fight with it the faster you go. Look forward to some options.
Reaper said:
waubamikrider said:

Ski's help. Proper set up helps a lot more.

Getting used to the way it rides is also an option. It doesn't handle like crap. It handles different. I will line up with anybody stating it handles like sh!t and wipe them with my sh!t handling sled till the cows come home.

Put that in your pipe.

Do you have an RTX or standard ?


I'm definitely not trying to fight with anyone. What gets me going is when Pony8888 goes onto dootalk and rants about his deleted thread on TY and People from this site go to dootalk to fuel his fire. And claim the Nytro is a POS and all this other bull.

There are problems with all sleds. Claiming the Nytro is a POS really outlines what kind of person you are.

I am not a brand loyal man, I am trying the new Doo's in a few weeks and I will be totally honest with myself and others. If the new 1200 is better then the nytro I'll be the first to admit it.

The other thing is, I plan on keeping this sled for at least 3 years most likely 4-5 and the service Yamaha has compared to the others in my experience is superior. Now if you are a rich man and can afford to buy a new sled every year then that isn't a factor. But I am not Rich.

It always takes me the first year to setup the sled properly. Even if I could afford to, I wouldn't get a new sled every year for this reason.
A good rider can make anything work for them. Ive done the setup and it is just fine. If you guys need a sled that turns on rails with out any help from the rider buy a 2000 ZR600. It just sucks so many people cry about this subject. Can it turn better sure but you can also compensate for it by adjusting your riding style. If you cant turn it do you guys really think everyone else wants to here about it? Truthfully is sounds more like laziness. If you Nytro guys are over on Dootalk bashing it then buy a Doo. Wait till you have a problem and go over there and cry about it. You'll have more Doo guys calling BS and asking for pics and everything else. This site has been a great help for me in setting up this sled
I hear ya no arguement, just look at the posts and you will see the pattern. RTX can be dialed in Standard very very difficult. I wish before people light it up they read thoroughly. I struggled all year with my Standard FX yet I always got flamed by the RTX guys, does that make any sense? Can not recall getting flamed by someone riding a standard FX. To the ones with RTX's dialed in and lovin it please try to throw a leg over a Standard FX and tell me what you think.

I am getting a set of the new carbides from CurveXS and if the snow holds up will bolt them on the Nytro and let you know how it works
Pony2008 was just a jack azz trying to get attention. He is no longer a member.... if they want to play in my sandbox they better bring a big stick. Also nothing new to see them run to HCS and cry like little girls.
MrSled said:
Pony2008 was just a jack azz trying to get attention. He is no longer a member.... if they want to play in my sandbox they better bring a big stick. Also nothing new to see them run to HCS and cry like little girls.

What are you talking about? HCS is the premier source for mature discussion on the web! :drink: :rofl:
Just got back from a 1000 mile trip on beautiful groomed trails in Quebec. For the year I have over 3000 miles. Coming off two revs....Previous AC loyalist

I don't consider myself an expert at modifying and tuning but I am highly educated and use common sense in addition to the advice posed on this site.

I still haven't figured out the handling after numerous trials and combinations.

Love the motor period! Love the ride on straight trails with gradual turns.

On twisty groomed trails the sled is horrible. May be possibly the worst machine on these conditions that I have ridden.

Very unpredictable in the corners.........I feel very unsafe trying to ride and keep up with 3 conservative riders under the conditions this week.

Several days of warmer weather, the trails were flat but the snow was heavy. My limiter is in the 3rd hole to try and keep the skis on the ground. AT TIMES, I FELT I was going to BREAK the HANDLE BARS it required so much effort to turn while decelerating coming into and during the turn.

My bro actually brought up the issue with the phazer that I had taken on snow and it was freezing up? Not the case.

You gas it out of the corner and you could freely turn due to a lack of ski pressure, too much weight transfer.

On the cold days with firmer snow it handled much, much better and I actually enjoyed the turny trails.


Personally I think its the amount of weight on the front end of the sled in addition to the amount of torque the machine produces.

I have not given up! Next year going to make the camber adjustment, get stiffer springs in the rear (Im 250 and usually have another 30lbs in the saddle bags) and try the firecat coupling blocks.



    30.2 KB · Views: 85
Another STANDARD FX handling like #*$&@, not an RTX. Imagine that !

I echo your concerns brother !
the RTX are no pinic either in stock trim......most of the RTX guys are still getting over their larger pride and ego issues.......LOL.

really, whats the difference bewtween the FX and RTX that would make a difference in hanlding.....I'm curious as to your thoughts on this......maybe others can chim in and help.
Well, I believe it is mostly suspension (valving) I rode an RTX for 15 minutes (not long to make a good judgement) and the big difference I noticed was you could ride very hard in the rough and it would stay flat and predictable. The Standard starts to pitch and buck wildly if it gets to rough. Particularily the front end pitches and kicks back when you start using up the travel on the front suspension (been through all the rebound and compressions setting with limited success). As far as the nervous front end that effects both I am sure and is geometry/ski based issue.

If you have the opportunity to take a Standard FX and RTX through a very rough section it will be very apparent and they feel like very different sleds.

It is probably a combo of the rear suspension and front suspension not having enough progression in the valving and that coupled with bottoming very easily and kicking back hard makes it, well..... scary if you go hard in the rough.

I know the next question is well buddy why did you not buy the RTX ?? The reason I did not was I wanted (thought) I would get a sled that was very capable in the bumps (not snow-cross capable) and with the trade off being more compliance in the regular rough and stutters for long rides (200-300km)

Unfortuneately, not the case. I had to dust off the 06 Apex GT for the long rides and to be honest the GT (Ohlins revalved by Pioneer) was faster in the rough sections and overall than the Nytro (STANDARD) by a fair margin I must say but harder on the knee's due to the more sit down riding style.

Love the ergos and motor on the Nytro, it is the best I have every ridden for seating position and ability to move around on the sled when cornering. I beleive this is a fantastic platform and with the right calibration and geometry will be the bomb, will have to wait until next year :o|
I have done alot on my sled setup and revalving wise but imo there is something wrong with the front end geo. Im not going in to it anymore than that since it has been covered ALOT before! I havent realy had the time to test the new rear shock calibration yet but it looks promising. WAY stiffer but not stiffer in the smaller bumps... Tomorrow Ill try it out more and se how it goes.
