DTJ dyno may be off 7% higher than other dyno's

Actually his numbers may be closer to actual? Details like this don't get considered by most Dyno shops! Many many variables! I can say though from talking to Jim, there's a reason people travel as far as they do to have him verify power! Also he has the ability to test fuels. There's a lot of educational write ups in the subscriber pages worth reading as well!
I am sure they travel because of his reputation and operation of the Dyno and unit being tested. It doesnt really matter if same dyno is used for comparison and nothing has changed in the process or the dyno itself. Actual HP is just a number that a group such a SAE agrees on if you take into account the correction factor. By Dyno Jet doing the Calibration its a third party that is trusted to do the exact same calibration on other Authorized DynoJet dynos. That makes it nice if you go somewhere else to dyno you can use previous findings to compare. If they are all different that would be impossible. As always same day,same conditions,same dyno is always ideal but not always necessary or doable.
Here is a run using Standard Correction

Here is SAME RUN using SAE.

And same run with smoothing factor turned up

Same run using MPH as a factor. Looks alot different!

So basically the numbers can be manipulated somewhat by anyone. Does come down to reputation and knowledge. For me repeat ability is most important. Therefore if I know someone goes and mods the results other than what I did here it makes it difficult for me to repeat those results elsewhere. I would not go there unless it were free.
Exactly why DTR is trusted, reputation and knowledge! Many aftermarket parts are taken there to be verified for that reason! A Dyno is only as good as the operator!!
The trouble with the DTR is everyone goes there to get the inflated magazine number your all going to brag to your buddies about. Nothing wrong with that except when it goes on just about any other shops dynotech it will make 7% or more, less power.

Then it gets in your heads "well the 850 is 170hp". No no it's not it might make that at dynotech remember for the magazines. Put it on any other shops pump and expect 161-165.
I'm not really concerned about any dyno numbers
Just want to hear the bombi guys cry when the sidewinder scolds them!!
I heard a second dyno at another source ( not sure where) was at 211!
"Correction Factor" would be a ratio/percentage that is multiplied by the HP numbers to give a reading in a standard environment. (sea level, 70*F i believe, set Baro......) i know this because i had Dyno and Airflow classes in college that we had to calculate the correction factor before turning on the Dyno, then put in the same altitude, temp, baro, humidity i believe etc. and see if our correction factor matched what the dyno told us.

If someone reports corrected HP numbers (99.99% of the time corrected HP is higher than actual) they should be repeatable on any dyno given it is calibrated.
Different shops/Dyno brands read different numbers on the same vehicle or engine because the Dyno is not calibrated fully. weight of rollers, bearing drag, roller size, even wear/age on sensors effect this. this is why alot of guys say "Mustang Dynos" will give a higher number. These factors throw off the measured Torque number which is used to calculate HP and skews the number even more. and always remember HP can NOT be measured, Torque is measured and HP is calculated from TQ.

End of College Final paper....i mean post.
I heard a second dyno at another source ( not sure where) was at 211!
Now if that dyno number was correct,alot of us would most likely leave it bone stock lol.
I am a big fan of Dyno Tech and am still a subscriber.
Back in the days...I built 3 Improved Stockers...a 540 Vmax Yamaha, 650 Indy Polaris, and a 866 VMAX4 right from the pages of Dyno Tech. The three sleds were exceptional snow drag and radar run performers and Dyno tech gave me a competitive advantage that had people shaking their heads and assuming I was cheating. "Speed is math and the best mathematician wins"!
I am a big fan of Dyno Tech and am still a subscriber.
Back in the days...I built 3 Improved Stockers...a 540 Vmax Yamaha, 650 Indy Polaris, and a 866 VMAX4 right from the pages of Dyno Tech. The three sleds were exceptional snow drag and radar run performers and Dyno tech gave me a competitive advantage that had people shaking their heads and assuming I was cheating. "Speed is math and the best mathematician wins"!
I like your answer Bob,when jim was first starting up with his booklet show casing sleds he had dynode and what mods they had,another guy in Mass on the new York border,was doing the same thing,called new England dyno,and like jim he also had a booklet for his members like myself,i had a built up indy 500 with a SLP reed valved mod motor,one of the first case reed motors you could just buy and assemble,and it was a weapon on the grass,109 hp when the indy 500 was around 72 hp normal,we did three sets of pipes,differant carbs and reeds,to come up with that hp,which was advertised by SLP,i was coming off a 88 indy 650 the one which was blowing up on a regular basis lol,so I was some what disappointed,sense I tried a 89 indy 500 which was a bullet and would run with my 650 and this 1990 indy 500 sp was somewhat of a dog,so I went looking for more power,and found it,but learned so much from the dyno and the man who was running it,he had done a unique job of making up a top of the line RAD gage dial a jet system,he took a RAD gage and made up a plastic dial that attached to the gage,and all you had to do,once you found your base jet set up,and dialed in the jet for the day,based off the RAD that day,was really cool.
Yes I used the CRAD formula I got from Dyno Tech pages to apply to my jetting and was always spot on for peak power.
When it comes to the Dyno, in my opinion, its not what the peak hp number is its where its made in the RPM band nd how stock compares to mods.
my dealer tested a stock 1100, a moded 1100 and the 2017 demo they got...the thundercat was ahead definitly of the 1100 stock and equal to a moded 1100 at 220hp eco trail, but the moded 1100 crept away after a while... throttle response was said to be best on the Thundercat.. no compare yet with a sidewinder vs 1100T, i'm sure yamaha clutchs will be bettter then team clutchs..
This is exciting to hear! Finally some real world info.
