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ECP Crankcase Filter relocation- Revised 2/23/04


Staff member
Apr 13, 2003
Sauk Prairie, WI
Upon further review and testing, you need to leave your oil catch in the stock position and run your filter upwards as shown in the pics below. To prevent oil from spraying onto your clutch guard, you can tape off a section of the filter and any oil that may pass through would be directed towards the pre filter. Going downwards with the hose coming out of the crank case should not be done as the lowest point of the hose will in effect act as a oil catch and oil will build up and wont be able to drain either back to the crank or out of the crankcase filter. If you have changed your routing, you may want to reconsider. This was pointed out by Buckeye earlier.

Please disregard any comments after this post as testing shows it will not work...BBY

Nice Work!

I have not taken my kit out of the box yet....Can you tell me the diameter of the hose so that I can purchase some before I install my kit...thanks.
If I get another kit (which I am going to do), I'm gonna relocate mine similarly to what Matt did. I was thinking of simply moving it to under the filters which will allow all 4 carbs to inhale the mist. Plus you get your K&N's automatically re-oiled :wink: I don't have room in the nose anymore because of my airhorns :D
Why can't we simply run the hose directly from the metal tube exiting the case? What does that black plastic thingy do?
If you run the hose straight up, the oil can run back down the hose into the engine. That would be the residue that collects in the hose and filter. Before I did this it ran into the belly pan and down the tie rod onto the ski. Just a thought.
Buckeye, i thought of that, but theres really no way to run it upwards unless you mount it by the fuel pumps, and i dont want that excess oil even close to my clutches. To relocate, you eventually have to bring the hose downwards...BBY
I just mounted mine....I ran the hose underneath the fuel pumps...and tie wraped it close to the steering column above the head of the motor...I hope that the oil will not travel that far!
Good idea BBY. For a precaution, I seran wrapped my spare belt. In mountain riding we often tip our sleds to make the turns on powder.
