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I think they will be great for the high speed laker who wants to beat his buddies or for the mountain guy but I think they will prove too tempermental for the average trail rider that once in a while races his buds. This is just my feelings not based on anything wrong with the product, sometimes mods meant for racing just don't work on the trail. Now if I was a tuner that just had to beat everybody they would be on my sled in a New York minute.

You people are making to much of this. There are no driveability issues
and they are not tempermental at all. The burble that exists is not a
hesitation or anything of the sort. It is nothing more than a sound.
There is no hesitation at any throttle position even when holding wide
open and letting off and getting on the throttle again repeatedly. And
yes I did do back to back testing against another sled that I was 4
sled lengths ahead of before the filters in 500 ft. Now I am 7-8 lengths
ahead in the same distance. If people are not using this kit they are
missing out on one of the best gains available for this sled.

Hey RideBlue Have you had a chance to run these this winter on the trails yet, my sled is pretty much the same as yours, the pipe , windage plates, hc's, and now ecp kits, were all dying to hear how thes work fill evey one in
These results are from this year. I did go out on the trails last
weekend and experienced no issues. The slad flat out rocks.
This thing pulls like a bear right from the start and never stops
pulling. The roll on is incredible also. There is just no comparison
between the airbox and these filters. Obviously I have other mods
done to my sled but did get a chance to line up with a Blair Morgan
REV 800 HO and a Rex X 800 HO both with silencers and studs. It
was not even a race. Right out of the gate I just pull right away
and in 500 ft I had them by 3-5 sledlengths. We raced at least 5
times swapping starting area with the same result. Would like to
see how much I would have them by in 1000 ft.

greenmachine said:
I think they will be great for the high speed laker who wants to beat his buddies or for the mountain guy but I think they will prove too tempermental for the average trail rider that once in a while races his buds. This is just my feelings not based on anything wrong with the product, sometimes mods meant for racing just don't work on the trail. Now if I was a tuner that just had to beat everybody they would be on my sled in a New York minute.


Is there an emoticon for SUPERTUNER shaking his head?

Oh yeah!

Oh yeah by the way this same guy says it's stock too. Yeah right! I've ran F7's before with no problem. (in stock form). But this guy chowed me bad. Can you say ECP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll kick his arse all over the place and then tell him; Yeah it's stock accept for the Heavy Hitters and the MBRP... :lol:
Ride Blue said:
You people are making to much of this. There are no driveability issues
and they are not tempermental at all. The burble that exists is not a
hesitation or anything of the sort. It is nothing more than a sound.
There is no hesitation at any throttle position even when holding wide
open and letting off and getting on the throttle again repeatedly. And
yes I did do back to back testing against another sled that I was 4
sled lengths ahead of before the filters in 500 ft. Now I am 7-8 lengths
ahead in the same distance. If people are not using this kit they are
missing out on one of the best gains available for this sled.


I agree...

Ran 54 miles last night,, Ran awsome... Does make the engine a little louder and the Filters do make some kind of noise.. But GOES LIKE HELL!
So has anyone been able to determine weather or not fuel consumption has increased or stayed about the same,hey freedie when did you send out my filters,i havent received them yet and its been over a week,maine to CT. should not take more than a few days,should it? :cry:
I have ordered the ECP filters as well and have not recieved them yet. i can't wait to get them. I have to admit ever since I got my RX-1 and joined his forum I have made more impluse purchases and bought more mods then I have ever did in my 13 years of owning snow machines. I guess I'm hooked.

But I can seen some members really want to know how the filters really perform in the real world every day trail conditions. I had hesataion about buying the filters becasue I was worried about what it would do to the reliability and long life of the engine. I spoke with Freddie for about 20 min before buying the filters and he basically answered every question I threw at him. By the end of the conversation he convinced me they were a worthy, cost effective investment in performance and would actually make the RX more trail-able. Becasue the filters allow the RX engine to produce more torque and HP where traill riders need it, around 6000 to 8000 RPM. I purchsed the RX-1 to be a high performance trail sled not a drag racer. However I want the ability to spank someone now and then. I guess some of us are like the United States, It's nice to know we have to power to crush some country when we need to.

I remember when we all joined this forum and many of us were trying all kinds of mods. Remember when Heel Clickers were the thing to have. Then Daltons setup. I guess the genenal consensus now it HH are the way to go. I don't belive these filters are a fad, I belive they are the way to go. ECP has the numbers to prove it and some of you who are running them now have noting but good to report.

I went all out and ordered the filters, pre filters, 160 jets and 2 sets of those expensive plugs to boot.

The wife knows the RX is my toy. I have 2 Polaris 600 tourings for my family to play with.
