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Error codes 14 and 26


Dec 11, 2009
Ottawa, ON
I recently tried to do an oil and filter change on my '07 Phazer GT, and I am now facing error codes 14 and 26. I called my dealer to see what the problem is, as I do not know that much about motors and didn't want to take it in for repairs. They told me that it was the wires connected to the airbox, but I don't see anything wrong with them, and everything is plugged in. Any ideas?

I did, but I don't know what the hose that it is talking about. I know nothing about motors.
The hoses this is talking about are underneath the 2 plugs that go into the back of the airbox, they are vacume hoses. Wrap your fingers around the plugs and you will feel it underneath. Good luck!
Yes Tbyrd is right. I had it happened to me also. Here are some pic's to show you what where talking about. Make shore both of the hoses are hooked up.


  • codes 14 and 26 003.JPG
    codes 14 and 26 003.JPG
    120.7 KB · Views: 283
  • codes 14 and 26 004.JPG
    codes 14 and 26 004.JPG
    94.2 KB · Views: 123
I checked the hoses, and they were off. I reconnected them, but the error message is still appearing. Is there something else that I need to do to get rid of the error code?
I tried disconnecting the battery and it didn't help. Looks like I might have to load this thing up and bring it to the dealer :o|
You probably did this already but try looking at the plugins.Maybe you didnt get the plug in there straight and bent over one of the tabs.
I never took the plugs off, I tried but I didn't want to break them, so I took the plate off of the airbox.
Maybe one was just barely on.Unplug them and check.Have you tried disconnecting the battery?Are both ends of the hoses connected?
I have tried disconnecting the battery and that didn't help. When I discovered that the hoses were not connected, I checked the other end to see if it disconnected from the other end as well, but it is connected.
As for one of the plugs being loose, I tried pushing them in more thinking that they may not be on properly.
i forget if this is nessacery with the phazers but do you have to clear the codes?
