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Excell X-Wheels Durability? or Factory ones better?


Lifetime Member
Jan 26, 2009
Utica, NY
2020 Sidewinder SRX
2013 Yamaha XTX
Old Forge, NY
I have had the X-wheels on my sled for the past three seasons, and I really have to question their durability. I am constantly having to replace at least 3 to four of them mid-season, and by the end of season to boot, and was wondering what others are experiencing. If you have them, please share what your longevity is with them. I am studded and know that they can have an effect on the longevity, but in under a thousand miles I have destroyed both of the front skid shock wheels(almost down to the plastic/no rubber intact) and one on the outer rail is half chunked out and that was only after a quick glimpse on one side. I am half tempted to buy the Pioneer Hyfax Extender kit, as you get to use the factory wheels, which I am curious if they would last longer. Would like to hear from those of you that have purchased the Pioneer kit and if you are studded, what is your durability with the factory wheels. On my studded '02 Viper, I never went through wheels as quickly as I do with these X-wheels, but don't have anything to compare them to as I have had these wheels on my Apex since day one. Thanks for your replies....

Yup they're junk! every year i have to replace atlas 4 of them due to the rubber coming off of the plastic. They don't last at all for the price they are charging for them
Put 5k miles on the updated factory spoked wheels with a studded track. Replaced one wheel just this year as a small chunk was missing. This was the rear inner that sees the studs.
I run the Pioneer kit as well.
Great, that's one of my upgrades I'm doing to my Attak. I already have the wheels.
On my Apex I run Kimpex oversized wheels (Polaris) version which are 5.35" diameter and they have replaceable bearing on them and the hyfax wear is great as I have last years hyfax on them and still going strong this season, I always do preseason check of the bearing to keep a step ahead of any wear issues, had Excel wheels before on the Apex but it was less costly to buy kimpex wheels when the rubber goes south as my track is studded too.
Careful running the larger wheels on the stock wheel mount as it is only one bolt and loads the top half of the rail. Some people have cracked the rails due to this.

There is a mod where you use Doo's 2 bolt mount and Poo's 135mm wheel. I have done this to a few sleds with great success.

The Pioneer kit comes with new 2 bolts mounts to load the rail evenly and still uses the Yamaha wheel.
I just installed the excell's i guess time will tell although i think there constructed well. I have a non-studded track. used pioneer performances extension blocks for all my wheel location. Should be a perfect match.
I've had Excell wheels on my son's '09 Phazer for 3 years, no problems. I have Kimpex Doo wheels on Doo mounts on my MP. Except for bearings, they've been OK, just the rubber is looking brittle and cracking. Kimpex also has oversized wheels for Yamahas that look like the Yamaha spoked wheels. I installed a set on my other son's '07 Phazer last year and so far, they've been good. Just the bearings look really cheap (China or Bulgaria or something). At least the Excell wheels use NTN bearings. No studs anywhere.

I think the studs are causing this wear.
