Extrovert Drivers

Any snowmobile dealer should have the clips and the tool. Kinger said his Avids where $250. Wahl Brothers are $162 without shipping.
My dealer gave me a deal on the Wahl bros and is going to lend me the clip tool, which is really great of him. I still have to cut the windows out so that should take a bunch of time, but this will save me from buying a 500 track and studding again. I think I will replace the bearings at the same time, dont need any of those issues. Plus I am changing out my Hauck exhaust for a stock one I am tired of the noise at speed. Its the quiet one, but still it is annoying after 200 miles or so.
I cut out my windows with a utility knife. Ran the track without adding clips for a while until the dreaded clip flying off issues began. reclipped the whole track and lost them all again. finally lost a stud and replaced the whole track.
Don't some of the new yamaha's have these stock now? Might be worth looking into....
bklynantnee said:
Is it nesessary to run a fully clipped track with the extros?

no. I ran the 1.5x144 crossover clipped every 3rd with no issues.
1CrazySledder said:
Don't some of the new yamaha's have these stock now? Might be worth looking into....

That would make this way to easy...
They run them, but they also fixed the driveshaft snapping problem at the same time. So the the Yammi extro's use a larger shaft size and I believe different bearings. I haven't heard of anyonne doing a retro-fit yet.
My friend tried running a track clipped every third wndow, but it threw every clip off the track. The dealer said it should be fuly clipped to run extros. I guess I am going to get some new blades for the utility knife. If I clip the whole track I better not lose them all... I have one stud that pulled out, but I really cant afford a new track for that.
kinger said:
I run extros and a anti stab kit is not needed.

Better safe than having the rails sticking out the track. I see it as cheap insurance. Wahl Bros. sells them
I'm not sure why race's friend threw clips, but from my personal experience I ran the set up I said for 2 seasons on a boosted sled with no issues at all. Didn't lose 1 clip. My suspension is an expert X tho.
I tried that this summer and started to melt my drivers so bad had to replace them. Rubber on plastic causes heat and friction.
Has anyone else ben told it needs to be fully clipped to run extros? I guess I just took his word for it. I dont know why my buddy had issues, but he lost every clip out on a ride. Then fully clipped it and no troubles now.
FLYBYU said:
kinger said:
I run extros and a anti stab kit is not needed.

Better safe than having the rails sticking out the track. I see it as cheap insurance. Wahl Bros. sells them

My understanding from what I found on this web site, is that the 121" suspension does not require anti stab wheel kit. For some reason on the long tracks the rails come in contact with the drivers. The rails then need to be shortened in the front, taking away the upward angle of the front of the rails. This is when the front of the rail can punch a hole through the track. My understanding is there is no clearance issues with the extroverts and the front of the rails on a 121" skid. Why run a wheel kit, if the angle of the rails remain stock, and there is no contact with the extroverts?
