Extrovert Drivers

What do anti ratchets do, pull the track down and it bunches up in front of the rails in front and gets caught and the track
Impales through?
Super Sled said:
What do anti ratchets do, pull the track down and it bunches up in front of the rails in front and gets caught and the track
Impales through?

You get that perfect log your going over And the rails will impale track and destroy it. Get Wahl Bros. Anti Stab kit.
copo427ss said:
im surprised nobody has mentioned this yet, but theres an inside and a outside to the doo drivers. if you look close at the notched spaces where the drive lugs ride in, you will notice that one side is squared off and the other side is rounded a little. the rounded side goes out. otherwise you wont clear the track clips and they will start ripping off the clips.

I must confess: I just ran out to the garage and checked mine out. Micro Belmont installed mine correctly. Whew! I was worried there for a sec., lol!
Please bear with me, I'm just wondering tho.. Why does this happen with extros and not stock drivers? I run my track really loose with stock drivers and never had issue. How does extro drivers make track stabbing more likely to occur? Thx much for your thoughts btw.
