Front end kit for Phazer MTX?

How much demand would there be for an aftermarket front end kit for the Phazer?
You might end up suprised to find how many people are searching for a kit. Especially since theres not much of any upgradeable options on the market for the phazer.
I had a Phazer for awhile and used it to develop the running board kit. The Phazer suffers from the same problems as the Nytro, when it comes to the front end. The spindles need to be further forward, the front end needs to be adjustable for caster and camber, and the MTX model would benefit from a narrower ski stance.
I agree. I hope you decide to design a kit.
I'm rarely on the trail, so pretty much anything to help off trail. My biggest battle was terrible trenching with the factory skid. It was extended to a 151, still trenched bad. I just went out and measured the front end. Narrowed to a 36" width would be one concern. Lighter components is always ideal! And it's hard telling how much benefit there is as far as positioning everything forward. Maybe they'll be like the nytro and turn into a whole new machine with an aggressive forward position! Mountain riding is what's important for me. If that helps any
39". Sway bar is currently still on. Been leaving it on until I get the rear suspension swapped out
36" would be a good starting point. I am currently at 34" on my Nytro after riding for years at 38" Going forward the correct amount with the spindles makes the biggest difference in handling off trail.
34"???? I bet that's way nice! I have the Barcode 36" kit for my nytro. I havent been able to test it out yet since the sled is under major construction. Something like that would benefit the phazers as well I do believe. They are already fun sleds to ride. A little more fine tuning in the suspension department and they have potential of sparking a lot of interest from other riders
Really?? That's awesome news! Glad you decided to move forward with the idea!
I am very interested to see what you come up with.
I am currently running an MTX 151 setback plus I just put in a 154 08 summit skid (10 lbs lighter). My sway bar is long gone.
I’m thinking a replacement set of upper arms that add more caster and have adjustable camber would be a nice/cheaper option than a fully blown new set. I know shortening the upper ball joints helped noticeably on mine.
