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Frustrated beyond *%$#@!

NB-NYTRO said:
FXR cloting is made in Canada... in case you didn't know..

I called my dealer.. blue Nytro skid plates are back ordered till whenever the cows come home.. The black ones are shipping in Jan... :o|

I was told Nov. 15th for the blue FX Nytro Skid Plate, because I also have one on order, i'm here in the States though.
Rod is a very good fried of mine, and I know he would like to carry more sled stuff, but the selection is too hard to keep in stock for evreybody's tastes. It's just too short of a season. The ATV's are his bread and butter for sure, and he doesn't have any extra room for more inventory. There's no doubt he has more vehicles of all different kinds than most dealers anywhere near here.
I'm not knocking him for not having anything in stock, I'm merely frustrated with the fact that Yamaha incentivises their stuff to use on their accesories, but then you can't get anything in.
I personally don't care if Rod (Iowa City Motorsports) doesn't have a ton of sleds in stock, and I know the situation with the 2 older floor models, but he can always get me anything I need as far as sleds goes. He's a great guy to deal with, and yes would deal on the 2 older sleds if somebody showed a serious interest. He had to purchase them personally since they sat for so long, and that's probably more of why he doesn't want to deal too much. He said he doesn't need to barter much, primarilly because his kids are almost riding age, and he is "sort of" saving theose 2 sleds for his kids, but they are still for sale. Just a few left overs....
I just think that if Yamaha wants to have the accessory deal, they should have the accessories!
Been down this road too many times over the years with Yamaha apparel and accessories.

So.... my wife and I are on our 4th pair of Yamaha sleds in 4 years and finally coughed up 2K on Klim clothing at the Milwaukee show.
Is it that the bogger dealers gobble everything up, or are they just that short on production?
I talked to the parts guy at ICm, and he said he'd try to call a few of the bigger dealers (out of state??) to see if they had anything I need in stock.
back order

just let you know FXR stuff is not made in canada anymore look at lable it over seas because they can get it cheaper made I had a lot of stuff on back order i know a person at parts at Yamaha she told me that a lot of stuff is being held up in shipping and customs hang on just received my 40th Jacket Friday
I know this guy who is waiting for a liver, he's getting pissed too!...J/K
Lets keep things in perspective...yje fashion police are usually on a doughnut break,anyhow. LaLaLa
call highlands yamaha in countryside il. They have alot of clothing at the shows and in their showroom
So what are guys doing with their rebate money then, if some of you guys are experiencing the same thing?
Are any of your dealers letting you use the money on other stuff? ( non Yam.)
see if you can put your $600 in rebate money towards the purchase of your sled. then instead of being limited to yamaha selection you can go out and get what ever you want. there is alot of great stuff out there. every toy i have (sleds, motorcycles, atv, utility) is and always has been a yamaha and i have never owned 1 piece of yamaha clothing. i guess i dont like looking like a yamaha threw up all over me. my wife and i have alot of fun searching and shopping for what is new out there to keep us warm, comfortale and looking good.
my dealer here in ny just called me and said all my yamaha gear is in .was i just a lucky one of the bunch ???.
Yeah, I'm still waiting on the cover, and a jacket yet. Other than that, I was able to use the $$ for what ever I want. I'm assuming the $$ goes to the dealer in this case, and he let me apply it to what ever I wanted. I ended up getting mostly Yam. tuff anyway, but I did get some Oakley goggles for my new carbon fiber helmet!!
