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Gearing change

19 tooth gear

where is the best place to order a 19 tooth upper gear? yamie deeler? other sources? I have a stock '08 and it was 20/40. Just replaced mav track with a 156". I think the 19 tooth will turn it better.
MTamish just told me that 19t gear is $35 in the states ........ $73.99 PLUS TAX up here where the fricken snowmobile was invented!!!

Good lord we are getting screwed! I can get across the boarder on $35 in gas ...... load up with bling .. drive back across, pay the duty, and still be ahead.

Absolutely retarded .....
got a quoate from yamaha dealer at $50. May not be that much different than Canada depending on exchange rate. Ulmer racing has it listed for $35.
I sell all gearing products, reverse and non reverse gears, and chains. Prices cant be beat! PM for quotes.

Got my 19 upper; installing tonight. any tips on tensioning the chain? never done it before. How tight should I go? any tips could help.
Finger tight like the manual says ........ then 1/2 turn out. any tighter and you'll hear the tentioner rubbing on the chain ... It'll drive you nuts! Just went through all this myself, learning the hard way of what too tight is. It's natural to want it tighter then it needs, but hold back!
G-Ball is right.

The tension is not to keep the chain from slipping, like it would be on a serpentine belt. The chain tension is simply to keep the chain engaged in the teeth, and not flapping.
I have a stock 153 and don't use it above 2000'. Most of my riding is cross country long runs with a bit of hills. 300 kms days are common. Last weekend we did 540 in 2 days. All of this was on cross country with a few hills and hard to get places with good climbs. We don't get many deep powder days.
I like the MTX for the times when we need the extra bite to get you where you need to go.
How would I get the best milage out of the machine with regards to gearing? Would stock be OK or would there be any difference???
My Max RPM is around 9000-9100.

