you can also lean it out by pinching your fuel line with vise grips! thanks for tryin it out. 

TY 4 Stroke Guru
87gtNOS said:shanksyamaha said:If its not sold, let me know I'll paypal ya the money. Thanks...
Thanks guys. It's sold.
Ebay has em. Price looks like it went up!!
Again, I stand by my findings and my opinions on this! As much of a joke as it seemed to buy one, we now know the TRUTH about this unit and it's use on a YAMAHA 4 stroke.
I even got an email from a fella in Sweden today through Ebay! He has a Nytro and he would find the same results with his Nytro.
Thanks all for watching!
Thanks for the excellent test and analysis of this product.. This is what I love about this site, good people, posting honest assessments of things that we all want to know. People who ride yamahas and don't use this site are missing out on 1/2 of the fun of owning their sled... and they surely don't know nearly as much as they could about their sled...

So, basically you can put a 15 cent 5k resistor inline and get the same result.
TY 4 Stroke Master
guardrail said:So, basically you can put a 15 cent 5k resistor inline and get the same result.
Or drill a hole in your airbox

So how much are we truly talking ? Is it going to increase RPMS any....this is the true definitive way to determine tangable H.P. increase! If once it's installed it increased the RPMS 100 to 300 RPMS over all then it would imply more H.p. which needs a bit more weight needed in the primary to bring RPMS back down to the level they were prior to the item installed.
Combined with the air box mod and a pipe does it compliment or inhibit the performance? When your PC is used are the fuel maps removing fuel through out the curve or adding in certain spots? What are your thoughts?
So how much are we truly talking ? Is it going to increase RPMS any....this is the true definitive way to determine tangable H.P. increase! If once it's installed it increased the RPMS 100 to 300 RPMS over all then it would imply more H.p. which needs a bit more weight needed in the primary to bring RPMS back down to the level they were prior to the item installed.
Combined with the air box mod and a pipe does it compliment or inhibit the performance? When your PC is used are the fuel maps removing fuel through out the curve or adding in certain spots? What are your thoughts?