Welcome to TY!
You've chosen a very reliable machine, but you will get a lot of help on this forum if you run into issues.
Most important step: let the sled heat up properly before driving, and drive slowly and let it cool down before hitting kill switch.
Keep an eye on the boost gauge, if the pressure is not right you may have a problem. E.g. a leak somewhere.
Run the recommended fuel, and use Yamaha products when doing maintenance, should be done at least every season. Check the turbo intake side to see if compressor wheel is loose every now and then. Use the manual when it comes to maintenance, but oil levels may vary.
Personally I would stop the engine immediately if it flips, a tether switch is a very good choice. Once flipped back, let it sit for a while, then start the engine, let it run for a few seconds, then stop. You may get oil into the intake and lose some boost pressure, but there are fixes for it in the forums.
And obviously, keep an eye out for 2-strokes in the intake.