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Handwarmer problem


TY 4 Stroke Master
Mar 25, 2005
Sudbury, Ontario
2015 Viper XTX LE MPI Turbo
2022 Expedition Extreme 850
I have no idea when it comes to electrical stuff...

This weekend my warning light was flashing and I figured it out to be the handwarmers and thumbwarmer not working. I had the plugs relocated under the cab because I got rid of the foam pad, added risers, etc etc. to clean it up.

What do I need to do to figure out what is wrong?? Seriously folks, I have no clue where to start. I plugged and unplugged the plugs, checked for moisture and stuff. The wires have been cut and relocated for the plugs to go under the cab. I did have handwarmers, but they weren't that warm so I insulated the exposed bars with foam. Now the warmers quit and the light is flashing.

Any steps I need to follow? I live in a remote area and help is hours away. I could get my hands on a tester, but no idea how to test anything.

Sounds like a short to me or a blown fuse. Check your solder joints.

Is there any code or icon flashing on the LCD screen when the warning light comes on?

Another possibility may be that after adding the risers, you added extra "pull" on the throttle cable and causing the TORS to malfunction.
I installed a throttle cable from an 05 because it is much longer, so there is lots of room and no "pull". The warning light flashes twice on and off and the engine icon is on the LCD display.

Where are the fuses?????
I have had the same problem... light blinks twice then pauses, blinks twice... pauses... anyhow found out it was the handwarmers malfuntioning, but still have not been able to fix it.... anyone with a solution I would be grateful to....
If you disconnected the wires, prior to riding it then you may have re-connected them incorrectly. I did the same thing when I removed the handlebars. There a two, very short wires: One has a male connector, the other a female and if you connect these two, you get the same error conditions.
