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hard starting warrior


Dec 18, 2005
NE wisconsin
I took the warrior out for some riding today, not the greatest but it was ok.the temps were about 35 .the problem we were having was after shutting it off it was difficult to restart.we would have to hold the throttle open a little bit to get it it to start.could it be that it is just to warm out?lone other problem was it sounded like an airplane going dowm the trail,some sort of high pitch whine coming from the engine.anyone have problems like this with theres?

Is this a new sled to you, or have you had it a while and these symptoms just started? I assume its new, as both those conditions are normal. The throttle thing is fine. Just give it a little throttle on hot starts. Also, you can help keep the carbs cooler on warm days by flipping the rubber flap over the carbs forward to let more heat out. Just make sure you fold it back in colder weather as its there to help de-ice the carbs. Track whine, or howl as its often refered to here is normal. Make sure your bearings (especially the left side jackshaft and drive shaft) are all free and the hyfax aren't shot and your good to go.
thanks red2003.this is a new sled to me .the whine i'm hearing is coming from around the engine while it is sitting still.do you think i could just turn up the idle a bit,that way i would'nt have to hold the throttle?the whine seemed to come and go.the sled is a 2004 warrior.nice sled,but very heavy steering.
If you tell us exactly whats happening with your sled, we can give you better advice. As far as hard steering goes, try this. Jack up the front of your sled. Turn the shock spring adjusters all the way out until the springs just barely touch = no preload. Re-ride. If still heavy, put MORE preload on the front spring in the rear suspension to help pull some weight off the skis. Let us know how the rest of the suspension is working and we'll set you up. That Pro Action suspension is very finicky, but it can be made to work decent. Also, does the sled steer easier under power, like coming out of a turn? If not, then your front limiter straps are probably too tight. Let us know, we're here to help!
The whine is the drive belt. If you blip the throttle, it might stop. Whats happening is that the belt is sticking to the clutch face a little when disengaged. Verify the belt ride height in the secondary clutch - make sure its not too tight. There are 3 screws and washers on the back that you can use to adjust.
hi guys.this afternoon i got a chance to mess around with the suspension a little.what i did was increase the front spring pressure by two full turns of the collar.i set the clicker at four turns from soft.somebody had it set at 15 turns,that's almost maxedout.then i adjusted the rear shock spring to number 3 setting.last thing i did was move the pivot bolt on the rear shock to hard.took it for a ride and it seemed better.one thing i did notice was it seemed to want to lift the inside ski on accelerated turns,but i figure there's a cure for that somewhere.it feels like it wants to lift the frontend a little,but that's ok.it also seems to steer quite a bit better.easier to turn,not as much muscle required.thanks for the help,any suggestions you guys may have would be greatly appreciated. :rocks: :Rockon:
Every Yamaha I have had so ar has needed a little throttle to start easy when hot.

This is normal fo me and most others I believe
If you have all else where you want it now, pull up the limiter straps, little by little until you get rid of the inside ski lift. These machines are heavy and have a high COG, so they're always gonna lift some. If you put MORE pressure on the front ski springs, that's gonna make the inside ski lift even worse as you have raised the front COG. Like I stated earlier, I'd run the front with zero preload while the sled if jacked up.
I have had an 03 and an 04. Both are the same when they are warm you have to give them a little throttle when you start them. I also had that whine you describe on both machines. Never heard it at an idle though just at times when your driving. Sound normal to me. Enjoy
thanks for all your reply's,but i'm trading the warrior back into the dealer for an sxviper.i just can't get used to that long heavy machine. :Rockon:
ramair400 said:
thanks for all your reply's,but i'm trading the warrior back into the dealer for an sxviper.i just can't get used to that long heavy machine. :Rockon:

Took me awhile to get used to mine. Simmons ski's widdened out the front all but eliminating inside ski lift. Ski spring preload at nil plus one turn, 3/8 shims on backside of ski rubbers. Sucked up the limiter straps till tight with no rider, fra on hard. Clicker about 7 or 8. Transfer rods bottom 10mm shim replaced with a 2.5mm one. With a me sitting on the sled the transfer rod is in about the middle, the front limiter straps have a a nice amount of slack and skid has about 4 inches of ride in or say the back end drops about 4 inches give or take.

Ride is now flat smooth and supple. When I first rode the sled I hated the ride of the rear skid and the inside ski lift. Tips from this site have helped me to set up my sled. :rocks:

A Warrior is not for everyone so enjoy your SXViper. Me I would have a hard time going back now!

