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Heat shield cracked

I have same stuff and wonder the same thing. I wonder if the adhesive can handle the extreme heat of the header, or will it burn up and allow the shield material to become detached from the stock shield and just lay on headers under stock shield. Don't want that. DEI says this shield can withstand direct heat of 1400 F.
That particular piece is not adhesive backed. Adhesive is rated for 300°,
But we're both on the same page. Either way you went you'd have to rivet it to the inside of the factory shield.
This was my broken shield. Only had a few hundred miles on it and fricken broke it again, so I stitched it together with the aluminum backed factory type heat shield from Amazon and riveted it on the broken original. Its doing better than the factory one. I think it provides some cushioning effect having the insulated material doing some vibration dampening effect on it. It holds up fine. Discolors over time but who cares.



Since I have enough, I'll form & rivet Thermo-tek to the inside of factory shield and see how it goes.
Problem is my factory shield still in good shape, I'll have to wait for it to break.
Replaced all the heat shields today...I hate using my spares but obviously thats why i have them.
As a side note I had the tank off and had a look at the Hurricane Extra clearance header ect and everything looks great, no cracks and no heat damage after many thousand miles of trail riding.

shield 1.jpg

shield 2.jpg
I've got a viper heatshield that I have been meaning to install.
