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Help us get the 2006 Accessories book sooner not later


Sep 14, 2004
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Hi Everybody,
This is Andy Sell from F & S Yamaha in Spring Grove, Pa. We are one of Yamaha's larger accessories and sled dealers. We are as frustrated as you are about the delay in getting the 2006 sled accessories book and accessories. If you would like to help please call this customer service number 1-800-962-7926. Keep in mind that the person you will talk to takes phone calls on everything from motorcylces to golf carts. Explain to them that you ordered a 2006 sled in April and you just picked up your sled and you would like to buy many accessories for your sled but you can't even look at a catalog yet to pick accessories. Yamaha should have had these catalog's and web site updated a month ago. Please feel free to email me sales@fsyamaha.com or call 717-632-6382 with any questions. Thanks for your help. Andy
I called yesterday - see seperate post. All I got was a receptionist that didn't know anything about snowmobiles. She looked for a catalog - but didn't know what she was looking for. I even asked to speak to a snowmobile product manager and she would not connect me. I asked apout parts manual update - she didn't know about this. It is obvious they don't want our money! All they're interested in is cycles. How could the same company that produces the new 2006 sleds be this screwed up. I thought the Japanese always atended to the little details!
As far as looking up a certain part or accessory that is the responsibility of your dealer. The customer service number is just for a customer to call with a problem or complaint that the customer can not solve with their dealer. That is why I suggested calling customer service because the complaint of not having a catalog yet is out of the dealer's control. The customer service people have a huge responsibility having to know a little bit about everything Yamaha sells. Please feel free to call me 717-632-6382 or email sales@fsyamaha.com with any questions on any sled accessory. I only suggested calling Yamaha to complain that we have no catalog as of yet. When they start getting quite a few calls, then the bosses will take notice. Thanks, Andy Sell F & S Yamaha
I called and got thru.
The guy I talked to said "I have it right here".
I said "Great, help me pick out a new windshield for my Apex".
He said "There are no Apex parts in here".
I said "Tell whoever you need to that we need the new catalog so we can spend more money".
He said "OK, but we're not involved in the process".

He didn't know anything about any new upcoming catalogs
I called and got through.
Sat on hold for 10 mins
I talked to a lady(very nice) she only had the catalog we have all seen. So she put me on hold to talk to someone that could help.
She came back on and took my name and ph# she also took down my address so she could document the call.
She called me back about 5 mins later and said the full accs catalog would be comming out late Oct to early Nov.
So,not what I wanted to hear but it is the first time I have ever called Yamaha and I think It went very well.

All I can do is wait for the catalog. She did point out that the accs will be available before we see the catalog and to check the web site in the near future for updates.
my dealer said to keep checking the website. he said it gets updated weeks before he actually gets the catalogs. he told me to write down the part #'s when it comes online and he can order them.
That's why in a earlier post I said I don't want excuses I want product. IMO Yamaha is missing the boat by not having this stuff out early. How many people stop by our garages and pole barns to check out our sleds?.....before the snow flies! And you explain to them "I added this and this over here and this windshield I liked better than OE", etc...etc... I don't think they (Yamaha) understand how bad the fever is for us guys. Why don't they post something on thier web site with a date? :o| :o| :o| :o|
