Is there a page with instuctions on how to clean the carbs on my warrior? I can't seem to find it. Thanks for the help. Also I can't find Hi tech performance's web site. I have one of their clutch covers and would like to buy another.
That's what I used as a reference for my first time cleaning them. Fairly straight forward. I didn't take the entire rack off though. Removed air box and disconnected the hoses that needed to be and that were in the way. Then placed a long sheet under the rack covering the entire sled under the carb rack so if anything fell it wouldn't go into the engine bay. Then I tilted the rack and did one carb bottom at a time. Be very careful removing the float bowl screws bc they tend to strip very easily. I sripped 1 of the 12 and what a pain to get it off. Took me 3 days of trying. 2 of my 3 pilot jets were completely plugged so it was worth it for me and now I know how to do it so next time will be much easier. It's not to difficult and take your time and it will all go smoothly.
I used carb cleaner and compressed air to get the crud out of the jets.
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