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How do you like your Phazer so far?


TY 4 Stroke Guru
Oct 5, 2004
Edgerton, WI
Id like to gauge how satisfied everyone is with their Phazer. I made a thread like this over on HCS and everyone seemed very happy with their Phazer for the most part and Id like to see how everyone on here feels about their's.
If you could, rate it on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being totally satisfied and 1 being its the biggest POS you have ever ridden) and give specific examples of how you are pleased or displeased and whether or not you would buy the sled again if you could go back and time and do it all over again. Also, if there is an area where you would like to see future improvement or features you would like to see added, feel free to comment.
I want to hear the good as well as the bad, be honest and dont hold back. ;)!

I would like to say that so far it rates about a six! For what it is (500cc) it holds its own! The machine we have (mountain lite) has done not bad! I shouldn't have expected as much from it as I did. The hole in the tunnel(now closed on mine) has been an issue from the start aswell as many others on this forum. What the hell were the engineers thinking there! I just did the first oil change, my dealer had no problem with that! It wasn,t as bad as I thought it would be! That filtre though should have been in a more convienient spot I thought! All in all, it will work for my daughter and the better half! Thanks, Wilky!
I have just over 500 miles on my GT, and I am very happy with this nimble little dynamo. Engine power is plenty for trail riding, and the suspension is a blast on rough trails.
I would buy another Yamaha before anything else.

That's my two cents.


8.5 for me.

Suspension is awesome, really sits high and absorbs the rough stuff on the hard setting. I like the way you sit higher and the sled pivots over the moguls.

Love the accleration, mileage, sound, and mostly value for the dollar but has a few issues with heating and ice buildup that will heopfully be solved.

For the mtn lite, I'd give it an 8 for beginners, kids, and women. I would give it a 9 or 10 but it has its first year problems. For intermediates and experts, I'd give it a 4-5 because it cannot climb very steeply at all while in the deep- not enough power, and the shocks are cheaper/crappier than anything on a motorcycle for at least 20 years. The ergonomics are the best of any sled, I think, and this sled is very nimble-- real easy to get up on one ski. It makes all other sleds look old, but I think its pretty ugly. As for myself, I knew going in that I would have to dump a lot of money into it to turn it into what I want. After installing Custom Axis shocks/springs all around and an MCX turbo, and reinforcing the frame around all the front suspension pivots/mounts I'm expecting to rate it as a 9 or 10. Hopefully it will be the best sled I'll see for a few years.
We have 500 miles on my wifes mountain phazer. She would give it a 9. Obviosly the open tunnel was :o| :o| . I think the balance on a mountain sled could not be better for boondocking. I haven't bought a new sled yet that had any good skis or shocks, but I didn't expect it to be any better. We got this Yami for the same reason we have been on them for 10 years

1.Reliability compared to other brands(everything will break with time,abuse or negect)

2.Fit and finish

3. The ability to modify and have a one of a kind sled.

We have changed skis on her phazer, will be adding a turbo and looking for fox floats for the front. Time will tell, but she couldn't be happier and I cann't wait to ride it with boost :-o
The machine probably is one of the best handling sleds I have been on for quite some time. I'll take my hat of to my dealer for great service and taking the time to actually give a f*** not just to grab your money and run!
^how cold are you riding in? i'm not sayin i don't believe you..but at almost 30below C, my phazer starts even if its not covered...

i like this sled...8.5 from me...its quick and nimble, and fun as all hell on the bumps...if it had a bit more go on top, it'd be a 9.5
My FX gets 8.5 If it had 30 more hp and the freeride track on stock it would be a 10.
2007 Mountain Lite:

When I completed my review a couple of months ago, I gave it a 9 out of 10. Since that time I'd say my score has come down to an 8.

The open tunnel had to go, and the reverse needs to be improved. Those are the major flaws. I would defintely buy again, in fact, I may ditch my Renegade for a 2008 Mtn Lite. depending on what they've changed, and how well my rack and eventually hitch work out. Future improvments include a closed tunnel, better working reverse, standard bar end hooks, better shocks, a rack and an available hitch.
Im sure most of you are aware of this, but Yamaha offers an accessory that closes off the hole in the tunnel.
Its not cheap though, about $150.
So far Im hearing pretty much what I expected. For the most part everyone seems pretty happy. Sure, the power could be better, but I think everyone knew it wasnt a speedster when they ordered it last year.
Also, I think everyone knew when they first saw the Phazer that it was going to be a cold ride.
I would have to rate the sled a 8.5 overall! I do believe obviously the hole in the tunnel can be a problem. Cold starting I havent noticed but I have only rode and started in around 15 below! Thats not really saying anything though because the sled is kept in heated shop when not being rode. As far as a cold sled, dont really see it! Guess I have good riding gear. I believe the power could be a little more, suspension could be a little better, everything could be a little better. But, at the same time I spent sixty seven hundred bucks on this little FX brand new. What did I expect out of this little sled? Exactly what I paid for, if I wanted more then I should have bought more! :ORC
