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Deleting Reverse Gearbox - 2007 Phazer

When my clip failed on old secondary I never heard a thing. Travis at BOP I bet has the sideplate you need for deleting reverse. I will say though now that my daughters ride Phazer more than me I wish mine had reverse. Worth fixing I think. My Vmax secondary conversion has been problem free since I did it.

I know after having reverse gear, I won't own a sled without it. I disassembled a reverse box from a parts Phazer I had just to see how it works and what could possibly go wrong. That way I should be able to recognize symptoms before they turn into problems that leave me stranded. With the idle speed adjusted down properly I haven't had any issues with either of mine yet and don't foresee any future problems.
Same as on my son's. It actually shifted into reverse very well, better than mine, but would ratchet going forward. Don't remember the light flickering or not. Mine the light would flicker without fail when I let go of the throttle but never had any ratcheting. The switches in the reverse gear box are contacts to ground by the shifter fork. Maybe it's not seating completely into the forward dog gear causing the "impact noise" as well as losing contact to the switch.

You might have problems with the gear box and the secondary clutch.

I am sure you are correct. The sound I was hearing could have been caused by the helix contact the two bearing retainer bolts but it doesn't explain the flicker. Maybe the impacts were substantial enough to shake that fork (doubtful). I am try to figure out how the box would have failed though. If the bearing behind the secondary failed I wonder if it could have mis aligned something in the box? Seems like that would have been a lot of damage to happen in short time? Remember, I had the shorty oil pipe, no sign of any leak and full case of fluid so it didn't run dry and cook itself.

I am waiting on partzilla for accurate ship times of all the ancillary parts I need. Right now I am tempted to reassemble my clutch and all that I have torn apart and see if it is making the noise still. That will at least rule out the easiest fix.

My reverse secondary I had coming fell through. I will be doing that mod still for sure.

A spare reverse gearbox should be here Thursday.

Longer Oil pipe will be here today. Longer Grommit will not be here for another month!!!

All the pieces and I need to shim the clutch and rebuild my gearbox and a bunch of other stuff still have not shipped from partzilla and outlook is looking bleak.
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Check with BOP. He might even have some of those parts you're waiting for. A lot of stuff from overseas is either delayed or slowed down production. Also give Kevin at Port Yamaha a try. Who knows if he happens to have them in his own stock or have other supply lines.
Well I received half of my gaskets/snap rings/spacers/bearings/etc yesterday and decided to try to reassemble everything with the existing reverse gearbox and the new YVX (Reverse) secondary to determine if it was the secondary causing the noises. After assembling it enough to drive it I ripped it around for about 10 mins and she was perfect! I still needed to properly shim the secondary for offset, button some items up, but it was late so I just left it for today.

Today I adjust some shims on the secondary re-attach the parking brake caliper and fire her up. Within 10 feet of leaving the garage I hear one lough thwack again! It did a couple subtle thumps again and then with a goose of the throttle spun like it was between gears with a lovely gear griding sound until dropping back in again...

I am going to tear this whole thing down again tonight. Throw the new reverse gearbox in. I think I will shoot some video of the sounds and behavior to help anyone else with this going forward.

My question now is, what controls end play on item number 49. I feel like I have enough play in this shaft to pop it off the dogs when I pull it out away from the sled with the chain case off. Is the chain case what positions this shaft? I just want to know if there is anything else I should be looking at before getting disappointed again. Thanks!



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Status Update:

The sled is back together. The parts to be able to reinstall the reverse gearbox still haven't showed up, but my seal for the non reverse jackshaft did. I now have a happy running pz with a non reverse jackshaft, a reverse side plate and a new (to me) YVX (reverse) secondary clutch installed.

In the unlikely event anyone else would like to delete reverse off their phazer, this is how I did it.

The part that made it possible was the non reverse oil seal 93102-26398-00 OIL SEAL,SD-TYPE (Yamaha) $7.74 Which did fit behind the bearing in the side cover and did seem to be provisioned for it.

After removing the reverse gearbox this left three holes that would then allow chain case oil to pass through the side case. One is a fastner hole to attach the reverse box to the side case, I replaced this with a lock nut and bolt combines with washers and rtv gasket maker. The other two holes are for the oil pipe and the bolt that would sandwich the side case between the oil pipe and the reverse gearbox and the oil pipe hole itself. I removed the cup from the oil pipe, filled the pipe with RTV and reinstalled it and the grommet back into place bolting it in again with another RTV's bolt and lock nut.

Everything else went back together as normal with a lot more space and less headache. Getting the reverse gearbox out was a pain and did require removing the rear engine mount and tipping the engine forward. Very tight. The jackshaft slid in with no troubles. The drive position switch wire needed to be wired to ground for the ecu to allow full rpm.

My reverse gearbox appears to have nothing abnormal going on with it and seems identical to the one I bought to replace it. I am still suspecting some issue with end play on the brake rotor shaft allowing enough movement to disengage the dogs when in drive... I need to look into this and tear the box down to be sure.

I did all of these modifications in a non destructive fashion (besides sacrificing the old, short oil pipe) so I can add reverse back in if I later choose. Maybe when it is warmer in the shop and I actually have all the parts on hand. I do think I am going to be fine without it and it will reduce a lot of complexity, weight and rotating mass. We will see.

Also a side note, I have about 5 miles on the setup now and all is well. I will run back here to update if I have anything fail.

Next step I am running a 41* helix on the YVX clutch with a pink spring! Its not bad but I have a green spring and some bolt spacers on order to get that clutch running tip top but right now the snow is falling in Munising, so I am going to go play a bit.

Thank you all for the help and guidance here. I appreciate the forum!

on a side note, I now have a chassis with reverse. Is there a picture of the two different tubes? I want to tear it apart and check before i install the motor. It is an 07 but has had alot of work done to it so maybe it has been upgraded.
