How many miles did you get on your sled this season 2022-2023?

2,700 miles between my two sleds this year. Have a buddy that is riding this weekend so that he can hit 4,000.
@2200 miles. Our trails close the 15th. Might go for one more ride. Still plenty of snow in the hills.
Somewhere between 2500 and 2700. We have another day as well. But I just got word that one club has gotten permission from land owners to keep the gates open till Monday as their access trails lead to State Trails and forest that do not close. Grooming is shut down, but we may have another day to ride this weekend.

I also pushed my Trail Tank past the magical 15,000 mile mark!

Left Timmins today on our way to Kirkland Lake and down to new Liskeard.
Lots and lots of snow.
Trails great.
If my riding budget wasn’t already annihilated I would have been back up there again this week putting some more miles on. Enjoy the awesome spring conditions in the North right now.
Haven't racked up the trail miles like everyone but I have been hitting the slopes and trees hard this year and still going.
Not as much as I wanted. About 900miles on my Attak. Roughly 100 miles on maim's Apex and over 200 (and counting) miles on a 1200 Expedition that I use up north to go ice fishing.
Siting at about 2400 kms and going up. Roughly 1500 on the new sidewinder and another 900 on the nytro. Could easily have done more but I’m in no hurry to wear the new one out. Actually parked it a month ago and been riding the old one around since. Probably take the new one for one more ride this weekend.

It’s been a decent winter here. Not as much snow as some years but just enough for the clubs to work with. Southern sk actually had more snow then here for a change I think. Storms seemed to stay in the south this winter. Still expect one more big blizzard but who knows.
I'm at 3650 kms so far this year. One last ride on Saturday which should add 300 kms to the grand total. After that I'll be calling it a year. Time to burn AVGAS through the Cessna!!!
