How many miles did you get on your sled this season 2022-2023?

2,004 miles total. The county in Wisconsin where our cabin is didn't close on March 31'st like the surrounding counties did. This allowed us to get more riding in over the weekend (legally). The trails were great but not for long with the warmup coming.
Great picture of 1DcGuy & Wife!
Only 2784 for me. Would have been well over 3000 if not for the accident.

March 12th, same day as picture, I hit a hidden ice ridge on Gull Lake.
Sled launched, with such intense force, that it shattered my right humerus in 3 places.
Shoulder socket was chipped & rotator cuff torn/separated.
Two plates, 22 screws, and 4 pins now hold the pieces together.
Nerved damage has left the arm 30% functional at best.
Snowmobiling, and my sole proprietor business, is in jeopardy if I can't get back in action quick.

I've been snowmobiling for over 50 years. Spirited rider, yet know what to look for, and be careful.
Obviously not careful enough.
Be extra, extra careful Ladies & Gentleman.
Like Eagles lyrics, "In a New York minute, everything can change."
March 12th, same day as picture, I hit a hidden ice ridge on Gull Lake.
Sled launched, with such intense force, that it shattered my right humerus in 3 places.
Shoulder socket was chipped & rotator cuff torn/separated.
Two plates, 22 screws, and 4 pins now hold the pieces together.
Nerved damage has left the arm 30% functional at best.
Snowmobiling, and my sole proprietor business, is in jeopardy if I can't get back in action quick.

I've been snowmobiling for over 50 years. Spirited rider, yet know what to look for, and be careful.
Obviously not careful enough.
Be extra, extra careful Ladies & Gentleman.
Like Eagles lyrics, "In a New York minute, everything can change."

Sorry to hear that and hope your arm recovers. Stay with any physical therapy you are offered. A lifelong friend of our family suffered extensive shoulder/arm damage in an accident and has a similar number of screws/pins/plates in her right shoulder/arm. She is doing pretty well now but was in physio for a year.
It isn't about the miles, but the smiles! Riding with my 80 yr old dad, and my 2 sons is simply priceless. That day and a half with them meant more to me than anything else. My dad is just about done with riding after 50 plus years. I think next year may be his last trip assuming he remains healthy.


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It isn't about the miles, but the smiles! Riding with my 80 yr old dad, and my 2 sons is simply priceless. That day and a half with them meant more to me than anything else. My dad is just about done with riding after 50 plus years. I think next year may be his last trip assuming he remains healthy.
I’m with you. It’s about the smiles not the miles. That’s all I ride for. It’s my happy place.
Finished the season with close to 2500mi and I too agree it's the smiles and not necessarily the miles but it's also cool when they intersect. Case in point, my son hasn't been able to go up riding with me due to being away for college so this was our first trip together after him landing a job and using his first weeks of vacation to go riding with his old man. I swear he was determined to make up those miles from years past as approx. half of my total mileage was done during our trip.

1450 miles here in Maine, Not the best or the worst just short. Most of the miles were in march and all day trips. Winder with the TD stage 1 tune brought a lot of smiles on my rides! Lakes were awesome toward the end! 4500 miles on my 21 and still rockin!


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Wishing you a speedy recovery FrozenTows4!!
I only managed 1200 miles across 3 short trips to Northern Wisconsin and the U.P.
Maybe next season we'll get some snow and cold in Northern IL!! :mad:
Cheers :drink:
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My family has a house in TL and I rode that area for 20+ years before I moved up to the Twin Cities. I felt bad sending my dad pictures of the feet of snow this year with what you guys dealt with. He eventually said screw it and drove up here.
Seasons officially over now I think. Clubs are all closing the trails and unless I travel another 200 kms north there isn’t much for rideable snow left. Managed to get ancouple
More trips in since my last post. Was hoping to do some more but the nytro went down with a bad driveshaft bearing. Just got a new one today. Happy with the season though, some more fresh snow half way through would’ve been nice but can’t complain. Trails were typically in great shape every weekend that’s all that matters. Nice when we can ride from our doorstep from early Nov all the way through till almost the middle of April. Total season kms was 2850. Not quite as many as last year but still plenty for me. Put a few more miles on the new sled then I wanted to but it’ll average out over time hopefully. Even had the old 700 tripple out for a few miles this winter. Put almost 100 kms on it lol.
My son did 6000km this year. My wife and I managed 4000km each and my daughter 2000km. Best part was riding together as a family.
Can’t wait till next year. We started our season on Dec. 30 in Mont Valin and ended April 8th in St. Donat. Miles of smiles.
1800 miles and if I had a job I could have easily topped 3k miles. The best season I can remember of 60+ years on this earth.
March 12th, same day as picture, I hit a hidden ice ridge on Gull Lake.
Sled launched, with such intense force, that it shattered my right humerus in 3 places.
Shoulder socket was chipped & rotator cuff torn/separated.
Two plates, 22 screws, and 4 pins now hold the pieces together.
Nerved damage has left the arm 30% functional at best.
Snowmobiling, and my sole proprietor business, is in jeopardy if I can't get back in action quick.

I've been snowmobiling for over 50 years. Spirited rider, yet know what to look for, and be careful.
Obviously not careful enough.
Be extra, extra careful Ladies & Gentleman.
Like Eagles lyrics, "In a New York minute, everything can change."
Yes, get well.
