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2023 Spring Power Surge

I have no issue with that. Stihl products are like this.. That's communicated to the buyer though. Was not in this 2023 order year, and I would actually prefer a sled being sold this way and communicated up front by the manufacture.. Times are different and covid has supposedly effected everything. Starting to feel like people are being taken advantage of though.
Although it is this way. Yamaha sets the MSRP and then it is at the degression of the dealer what price you pay. My 22my spring order was the same way. Out the door price was only a couple hundred with in MSRP.
i hate when i here dealer not making any money give a break back a few years when i worked for a dealer if you made 500.00 on a sled you are happy today you say no mark up well lets talk about the hold back and paying the unit off early to get the extra money no you guys are not happy you have to add on top of MSRP to the tune of 1k -2k . it is Bull S*** they need to do too guys like GM did when dealer where adding to 25k to the new Z06 well Gm set letter and told Dealers to stop all this now because they realize that his will hurt them in the long term and ford and Chrysler did the same thing NO ADDING TO MSRP. have a dealer here he has sold a total of 140 sled an has 20 more to go and he adds 1500.00 on top of MSRP thats an extra 240,000 in profits thanks for the screw you program an i hope it all back fires on all of you. sorry to vent

This isnt a few years ago... More has changed in the last 2 years than it has is the last 25 as far as I am concerned.

We don't even sell 10% of the numbers you're talking about.

As the first sentence in the original post states, take your negativity elsewhere. None of it applies to how WE do business.
If your comfortable with it its your money.. I just sense lots of people are being taken advantage of because of "covid supply issues" And this Yamaha pre order day was great example IMO.

Cat will be the same thing obviously as everyone saw the Yamaha show the other day
Of course I would much rather pay less than MSRP. What I don’t understand is as a company why am I not selling as many sleds as I can? I guess supply issues. But why not do a late summer or fall check like a auto manufacturers do? It would give them time to meet all the demand.
They had all summer to meet demand this year and couldn’t get it done. I don’t think they want another year like this one with people waiting till 2023 for delivery. I bet there numbers are based off of there suppliers ability to commit to what they can deliver. I also hope some of it has to do with if there is a new chassis coming that they are using up what they have so to be ready for 2024. Time will tell.
This isnt a few years ago... More has changed in the last 2 years than it has is the last 25 as far as I am concerned.

We don't even sell 10% of the numbers you're talking about.

As the first sentence in the original post states, take your negativity elsewhere. None of it applies to how WE do business.
you have to with only a few dealers that are doing this crap an if you not doing good for you because i bet with anyone this coming to bit the ones that are doing in the but. interest rates will go up and the and gas these young guys buying on the 120 month plan is going to bite look at the price of food at the store an it is only going up because of gas hold on because boys, an your comment about only selling 10%of what you use means you need to look at maybe selling some else, just like we did back in the 90 when this crap happen to use back then?
you have to with only a few dealers that are doing this crap an if you not doing good for you because i bet with anyone this coming to bit the ones that are doing in the but. interest rates will go up and the and gas these young guys buying on the 120 month plan is going to bite look at the price of food at the store an it is only going up because of gas hold on because boys, an your comment about only selling 10%of what you use means you need to look at maybe selling some else, just like we did back in the 90 when this crap happen to use back then?
Go to the first page and read the OP's first post. What dont you get? DranttelSS is obviously trying darn hard to make everyone happy and stay in business. Just back off. No Negativity in this thread. Plenty of others to do that. He was trying to help in a obviously confusing Spring Buy.
My whole issue with the whole online thing is in my case I need to dealer shop aswell since my dealer has “retired”. An with that I still wanted a 23 srx when it was released, that said I would have had to go online and in an hour submit payment for a sled and commit to it. Then commit to a dealer by purely clicking on a name of dealer who I don’t know much about right now. Then they will call me about my order and at that point (after it’s bought) I would discuss the price, my trade, details like if a trade has to be there immediately or am I allowed to hold it till they come in, is there any discount or are you charging msrp plus all fees and then some. I am very very very against this online purchase. I might as well order it through Amazon at this point and just select the dealer that bolts skis on, check oil and collect the check. Dealer is less involved and that’s what keeps a lot of people into a brand. A lot of people are as much dealer loyal as they are brand loyal and this is very dangerous plan. And I can’t see me ever ordering a new Yamaha again if they continue on this path.
That's insane.. So they sell out in one day at MSRP? Anyone see a issue with this? I understand its great for the dealers and manufacture BUT wow is the customer taking it in the shorts at these prices.. I congratulate all that ordered and not trying to rain on anyone's parade at all!, But this is not a healthy way of doing business with customers and or trying to get others in the sport.. You have to be online at a certain time and pay MSRP? This is not healthy for snowmobiling now and down the road.. Most will say "its free market" "supply demand" .. All true but the big picture and health of this sport will be effected by this kind of practice IF IT CONTINUES.
This process looks way more understandable than buying a house these days !!!!!
Atleast we are not paying above list price(yet) , forget about all the BS issues , like not even being able to do an inspection , or you lose out .
OR go buy a car in the U.S. that has a market adjustment fee added to the sticker price !!!!
None of these new world scenarios are healthy , for everyone in general .
This process looks way more understandable than buying a house these days !!!!!
Atleast we are not paying above list price(yet) , forget about all the BS issues , like not even being able to do an inspection , or you lose out .
OR go buy a car in the U.S. that has a market adjustment fee added to the sticker price !!!!
None of these new world scenarios are healthy , for everyone in general .
Valid points!!!
I was actually considering a 23 from Cat.. I wasn't totally committed to a new one but after what happened for the Yamaha 1 day sale.. I don't see myself bending over and begging a dealer for a shot at MSRP..:confused:
There is a dealer 45 minutes from my house who has been marking up all their 2022 sleds $3k-$5k over MSRP. They currently have 25 sleds in stock.

Almost every other dealer in the state is sold out of 2022 sleds.

What is worse for business? Selling all your sleds at cost or break even, or only selling a handful of sleds at inflated prices, and then sitting on them all summer?

Make no mistake, there will be a sled shortage again next season. Maybe their bet will pay off.
Is that a Yamaha dealer ??
Valid points!!!
I was actually considering a 23 from Cat.. I wasn't totally committed to a new one but after what happened for the Yamaha 1 day sale.. I don't see myself bending over and begging a dealer for a shot at MSRP..:confused:
Think of all the other items you purchase that you pay MSRP , or more and you don't even know or really care ?
Food being one .
It appears that MRSP is the new deal .
This is coming from a guy who had both 22 spring orders cancelled , and has not yet received a confirmation of my 23 spring order in Canada .
Don't you think Yamaha had a bunch of options of how to do the spring surge , and with all due considerations , picked the process that they did , as they believed it was the best , from the most angles .
I found a 22 SRX in December , and bought it without knowing the price , which ended up being around $3,000 more than my spring deal , but I had a sled , and have had a great season .
Without that sled , it may not have happened , and that would have been a disaster for me.
This process looks way more understandable than buying a house these days !!!!!
Atleast we are not paying above list price(yet) , forget about all the BS issues , like not even being able to do an inspection , or you lose out .
OR go buy a car in the U.S. that has a market adjustment fee added to the sticker price !!!!
None of these new world scenarios are healthy , for everyone in general .
Problem is people are already paying above list. Seen a few back door 22’s being sold for $2000 more then MSRP. Sold quick. A week earlier I got mine at MSRP and payed all the BS fees.
There is no way in hell I’m paying MSRP for a new sled and most certainly won’t pay over. I’ll wait this ridiculous out and be back in the market when things go back to normal. Besides, why would anyone want to pay an inflated price for a sled that has barely been changed since they came out?
