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How many of the original 03 RX-1M guys are still out there?


A new Cat eh? Well, I am surprised...no, shocked!! Hopefully it works out in the reliability department.

I am going to drive mine as is this winter. No time or money to mod anymore. I need a new track because my 2" is missing a pile of lugs from delamination and I am afraid the track may fly apart on high speed runs. I do have an 1.25 ripsaw which is almost new, but I don't have the heart to install it and strength to get the sled unstuck. I just need moose and deer season to be over then I will have a little more time on my hands.

Pete, I was shocked too but, I'm getting used to it.

I bet someone has an extra 151" in the corner of their shop. If I still did I'd give it to you for free plus shipping.

Take care


I know you were pondering a change in sleds for at least the last couple of seasons now. Did you want to retire the sled simply because of the weight or just for the sake of wanting to replace the old horse? I am sure you will be more than impressed with your new sled.

That's an extremely generous offer regarding the track. I can't justify spending a $1000 on a track right now because I have sucked the bank dry of all their money building (and still building) my new house.
Pete, why did I replace my RX-1? Good question. I really can't tell you why. I sure put a ton of time and energy building the sled up to where it actually works in the mountains now.

I guess it probably boils down to changing riding groups where everybody had new sleds. I felt a little overwhelmed by all the new cool sleds. Alot of the Yamaha guys turboed their sleds, I rode them and they are impressive but, they sure weren't anymore manueverable. Yes, my RX-1 stayed right with them but, I really longed for a lighter sled that was nimble enough to allow me to do some of the cool moves the other guys were doing on the hill. They were turning around half way down the hill and shooting back up the mountain. My RX-1 seemed to want to drag me to the bottom of the hill everytime. And I guess it was just time to upgrade. I rode my RX-1 for six seasons, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 06-07, 07-08, 08-09.

I still have my RX-1 with plans for a few more mods like the snow eliminators and installing my 2 wheel kit for the rear axle. Other than that my sled is done.

Take care

I'm still around and jump over here every now and then, but I also jumped ship. Frostbite talked me into it!

I still got the 1 tone with turbo though.

Just building a normally aspirated Apex I will shoot some picks when she is done.

Lots of the turbo guys here are getting back to normally aspirated for a second sled. Most are moding Nytos I just love the 4 banger

The Ape will come in around 500 lb
-clutching done Team roller Heal Clickers
-Bike pipe
-Bark busters frond end
-Gen 2 skis ( sid-cut mod)
-K-Mod skid
-Float shocks all around
-153-15 wide 2.25 challenger track Ported weighs in at 45 pounds
-all lights deleted (use Lead dog helmet light)
-Avid drivers Lightweight brake disk Cable reverse
-removed as much steel as possible and replaced with aluminum
- Aluminum drop brackets
the list goes on !!!!!!!!!!!

It did real well last spring in a few drag race events even without the weight-loss it had no problem with the 800 cc gang (responds very well to clutch and suspension set up) but in the steep and deep the weight started showing.

I hope to have a good contender to have some good old fun competing with the stock 800 guys all around.
Not to worried about the Nyros although some guys are reporting in the mid 150HP range with head work and fuel controller .

We will have fun as always.
2003 rx1 with 875 original miles

i have a 2003 rx1 mountain sitting in my garage with only 875 original miles on it. with having 4 kids, it is hard to log the miles. at the start of last season it had 250 miles. this forum motivates me do the mods and get out and ride.
Aaron................. thanks for throwing me under the bus :tg: but, I believe you were riding your M series Cat a year or two before I too went to the dark side. It was those dang cookies they have on the dark side that swayed my opinion. :jump:
I ride with all Cat guys, and in fact bought Cat quads this year. And it's the only brand I would consider over a Yamaha.....they seem real reliable.
Still have my original RX-1M... it has about 10,000 miles on it now...;)! it will be in lots of use this winter though, as it sat for two years prior to getting the bulkhead parts and proper air tools all together... :-o
It would probably have been up around 40,000 if I hadn't cracked the bulkhead.. Still waiting for the lightweight Genesis-4 motor Yamaha like Frosty is... Cheers. :drink:

hi I too have not ridden the rx-1 in two years, moved to the city of anchorage and I recently had my machine shipped down. I had just installed a zx2 151 and rode it a 100 miles and the track shaft bearing went out in the chaincase. I am just picking up the parts to revive a slightly kachessed and hope to be riding soon
Excellent! That's good to hear!

I have resisted a couple opportunities to sell mine in the last few weeks.

I'm still torn though, if I keep it it will be worth less and less as time goes on (unless enough of them have been parted out to make ours worth something as the first high performance fourstroke snowmobile).

If I keep it, will I be able to ride it enough to justify keeping it around?

But then again, I still have a few mods left to do, so I have to keep it around at least until I can get them done.

Stay tuned, the saga continues.....................

Take care guys!

