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how to change sliders using reverse method?

marsh14 said:
This method seemed confusing to me as well. Then I had to do a trailside Hyfax swap last winter and decided to give it try since the day really couldn't get any worse.

You carry slides with you on the trail? Where do you put them?

No, I don't carry slides with me, but that day I wish I could have! On a big Tug Hill hit, I bottomed out and my rails slightly bowed out right where the rear arm hits the bump stops and it caused excessive wear (~40 miles before aluminum was showing) I loosened my track and rode to Barrow's Performance, bought the only ones they had in stock (For a Venture) and pulled a McGyver repair using the Yamaha toolkit, a lighter and a mini-Leatherman tool.

I did have to widen a track window on each side to pull the hyfax out a few inches. This did not casue any problems. The cuts are still there and it's been well over 1,000 miles with no tearing.

I had the wife take a video of the reverse slider removal for the non believers out there. Not a great video but you'll get the point. :-o

I have used reverse to peel off the hyfax many times on both my attacks with ripsaw tracks. You don't need to widen a window or anything. Loosen the track way up. Spray the edge of the hyfax and the window with lube, then remove the 7mm bolt in front. Next is the only hard part ... use a large screw driver to start the peeling process at the very rear of the hyfax, once you get some peeled off use channel locks or something to twist the loose part of the hyfax and it will fit through the window. Once it's started through the window start the sled put it in reverse and blip the throttle (assuming it's off the ground) and it peels right off. I do one at a time and watch carefully that it doesn't come around and get my heat exchanger.

Metallicat said:
I couldn't do this on my 136" ripsaw, the hyfax were way too wide to fit through the track windows. This is on an LTX vector.
I have used this method.

another option

pound it thru the rear window just far enough to drill a 3/8" hole in the slider.......insert a large rod or screw drive which will give you more leverage/grip and pull it out......!! as long as you used some nice lube when it was installed they pull out nice and easy.

I use never-seize...?
I take out the screws on the slides and loosen the track. Then I take my air chisel and dig it into the front of the slide and hit the trigger and drive the slide right off through the track window. Works slick without putting any stress on the track clips or track.
