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How to make the Nytro more tippy side to side


Mar 17, 2011
Savage, MN
2008 Nytro
I know my nytro will never be as easy to throw around as a pro rmk or xp, but what can I change in order to make the beast easier to turn over from side to side? I really have to work to put it on its side.

X2 in the sway bar, but You only have to unbolt one side to test it out. It'll be tippy on the trail without it. I would lower psi in your floats too.
Can I ride the led with one side of the sway bar disconnected? Any recommendation on psi for floats in front? Also would loosening the limiter straps help at all due the higher center of gravity?
You can run with one sway bar bolt disconnected but it does not fully disengage the sway bar; works moving to one side but not the other. You can unbolt it, it is a little of a process but might be worth looking into. You have to remove all your plastic and skid plate. One bolt is located under the frame and the other is between the frame and motor. Heat up the bolts and pray!

I hated my Fox Floats until I got reservoirs installed. With reservoirs, I am running at 65psi. Much nicer ride without the pogo feeling.

The last option is to purchase a side hill assist like I have on my sig. You can open a solenoid valve and transfer air from one shock to the other. Makes the sled really tippy. I have only used it in situations where I am almost stuck (and pointing towards a fence or trees) and have to throw the sled over to avoid these things.
Im not sure if i want to remove the sway bar becuase 90% if my riding is trail riding. Im headed out west next month and want some more flickability. I have fox float x which have resivors and are set at 60psi.

I might look into narrowing the ski stance like xrrider mentioned.
Sorry but right now I don't have it in my budget. No more mods to my sled for awhile!
could you unbolt both side of sway bar but leave the bar itself in place? would it cause any issues with it hitting anything or flopping around?
You already said mods were out (budget). But if it weren`t so the skins front end cures that even with the swaybar attached. You will use more body in the turns do to the newfound flex though.
