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I just wanted to say...

Aug 11, 2010
Kitchener Ontario
I miss you guys.

I miss the wealth of information on this site. Hopefully I'll be back when I get my Viper next year. I couldn't afford one so ended up buying the Cat Turbo.

The Procross chassis is great, but the way they put that thing together makes me scratch my head. Yamaha fit and finish next to none.

Posting on arcticchat is like throwing a message in a bottle out to sea.....

Viper prices are coming down. There was just a guy on the forum trying to unload one barely broken in for around 10K.
I miss you guys.

I miss the wealth of information on this site. Hopefully I'll be back when I get my Viper next year. I couldn't afford one so ended up buying the Cat Turbo.

The Procross chassis is great, but the way they put that thing together makes me scratch my head. Yamaha fit and finish next to none.

Posting on arcticchat is like throwing a message in a bottle out to sea.....

I like the warm thoughts and all, but moving from a cat turbo to a Viper won't really get you any Yamaha "fit and finish" Or at least not any more than what you have already. Isn't it pretty much the same cat chassis? Or did you end up buying the Z1 Turbo? Then I would understand your statement.
I also missed this site...when I switched to cat...arctic chat is nothing like totallyamaha...there are a couple guys that will help you with problems...but not much else...you can post a question, and .nobody answers it.
I learned my lesson..I'm back on a yamaha, and glad to be back here...I felt weird owing a cat, and like an outsider on arctic chat...yamahas might not be perfect...but they are what I belong on...it just feels right.
