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I need the scoop, added some pics

I have a RS Venture, 05, that did 109mph on the dream meter on 1 inch hard pack on the Chippewa Flowage in northwest Wisconsin. This sled will stay with almost everyone to about 80. No studs, stock clutching, traction rods adjusted to full rock back. Good gas mileage to. (17 average)
I finally got all her stuff on it. It looks cool, actually. I drove it for a little bit tonight. It's okay. I'm used to my RTX, so this Vector seems slow to me. It does not have the rider forward chasis and you can tell. When you are used to something and it;s not there, you know it. The sled seems like an entry level type to me. I do like it though. It seems smaller than mine and fells like it can be tossed around on th trail. She likes it alot and THAT is really all that matters. I'm just glad she finally woke up and left Polaris.

undecided said:
You're on the Yamaha "Internet Promotion Team" payroll. Is there ANYTHING that isn't the best thing since sliced bread on your Vector? Or is it absolutely PERFECT?

Some of you guys on this board are TFF :moon: :tg:

Man, every thread that I'm clicking on this morning has this same type of response from you. You could save yourself some typing by just copying and pasting the same response to all posts... :roll:

Give it a rest. If one or two of us chose to enjoy our machines and not act like it's a total waste of a weekend to ride them, that should be ok.
twomorestrokes said:
undecided said:
You're on the Yamaha "Internet Promotion Team" payroll. Is there ANYTHING that isn't the best thing since sliced bread on your Vector? Or is it absolutely PERFECT?

Some of you guys on this board are TFF :moon: :tg:

Man, every thread that I'm clicking on this morning has this same type of response from you. You could save yourself some typing by just copying and pasting the same response to all posts... :roll:

Give it a rest. If one or two of us chose to enjoy our machines and not act like it's a total waste of a weekend to ride them, that should be ok.

I'll do it if y'all quit telling people that there's no issues with these sleds. It seems like every time somebody posts here that they have issues, you guys say there are no problems.
Thanks for watching out forus pal. Without you, we might slip and have fun in the winter. Now I can't wait for warm weather because I've got that big steaming pile of blue stuff in my garage.
Crazysledder, were in the same boat. I bought the RTX for myself and my wife the '06 Vector ER. She loves the sled! On our trip to Old Forge we went to Big Moose drag strip a couple of times and once she got started we couldn't get her to stop. How cool is that, can't get your wife of a drag strip! She will love the sled. I agree w/ you about getting off my RTX and on to hers its totally different. I wish I had her hand warmers!


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undecided said:
I'll do it if y'all quit telling people that there's no issues with these sleds. It seems like every time somebody posts here that they have issues, you guys say there are no problems.
Most people don't have problems. Reason you see it so bad here is because EVERYONE who has ANY problems does a google search and gets sent here. Most people, when their sled is working fine, don't give a rats as$ and spend their time riding.
LazyBastard said:
Most people don't have problems. Reason you see it so bad here is because EVERYONE who has ANY problems does a google search and gets sent here. Most people, when their sled is working fine, don't give a rats as$ and spend their time riding.

I agree 100%. That's how I found the site. (lucky you) My TORS was going nuts right off the trailer on my maiden voyage, and I only got 12 miles in on my 2 day stay. Did a Google search of "code 84" from up north and found the panel of experts. I was impressed with all of the knowledge that is found here, so like it or not, I stayed. I have learned a lot about many different aspects of my sled and sledding in general in the last year.

I don't mind the discussions of various problems that crop up with all of the different members sleds, but staying constructive is a plus. When I say that I don't understand how so many folks are having issues with things that are ok on my sled I'm not saying that I don't believe them or that the product is free from issues, I am just looking for something that is different in their scenarios, like setups, riding conditions, etc that can make two identical machines so different as far as parts longevity.

twomorestrokes said:
Thanks for watching out forus pal. Without you, we might slip and have fun in the winter. Now I can't wait for warm weather because I've got that big steaming pile of blue stuff in my garage.

When did I say my sled was a big red piles of steaming dog doo? Dont think I ever have.

The more you guys (you know who you are) say that the problems are isolated, and your sleds are "okey dokey", the more I'll call you on it.

Like reading my posts, your stuff gets real old too! And like I told Tfin, I really like my sled!!!! Got the rear suspension working REAL nice now.

;)! :4STroke:
WOW. Sometimes a guy feels reluctant to start a thread around here. Boy, these things can really get off track. All I asked was the scoop on a sled, not to watch you guys argue over dumb crap.

I just got my 06 Vector GT on Friday so I've been breaking it in, and don't want to try to see the speeds yet. It seems like it goes really good.

Your wife will love the suspension on the GT, it's really adjustable, and makes the bumps feel like they're not there. :4STroke:
twomorestrokes said:
Is the GT windshield lower than the Vector ER? My Vector is a very warm sled to ride with good wind deflection. I wouldn't want the lower windshield although it looks cool. My suspension is very cushy to me, but your 06 GT has the Mono so I can't comment. I've seen 105 on good days, but it gets there in a hurry.

Do yourselves a favor though, and you and your wife ride the thing and give us your feedback on how you like it before changine anything. Bet she'll love it.
Yes, it's lower, and at first you'll miss it. I also noticed the whole sled is a lot higher than my 05 ER, probably because of the Mono-Shock instead of the ProActive CK.
