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I'm riding already guys !!!


Sep 27, 2008
Inuvik, NT,Canada
Well, I went for my first ride yesterday with the new 08 Phazer RTX (Blue). I went to bed wishing for just a couple of inches and woke to a blanket of white !!!I got my sled at the end of Aug. and have been itching to ride it. Being as I have a new Freeride track to be thrown on and a new set of C&A pros for the front, a little premature wear on the stock one won't hurt. As soon as the wife wakes up I'll be going abain this morning. Another 3 or 4 inches fell again last night !!! When you guys read this whishing for snow just thing of me all the way up here in Inuvik, NT canada riding already. I'm pretty new to the site so I'll try to post a pic of the sled here soon. Thanks guys and I hopeyou get snow soon !!!

Jeremy .H.

You're an evil bastard puttin' up #*$&@ like that :o| Just kiddin man its good to hear someone is havin fun already. It's getting down to -5 C or so every night here so hopefully sno isn't too far away (mid-end of October prob)
:4STroke: ;)!
Well I am about to go out again here pretty soon here. Ya, it's coming down the size of nickels here so I cant resist. I'll let you know how it goes
Jeremey, I consider myself an easy going, fun guy so excuse me when I say F$%^& You pal !! I'm sitting here tryhing to figure out a fuel delivery problem on my 04 venom in the rain. Can you say jealous? You got room for a couple of us to come over- be there shortly. :o|
Well, I just got back from another rip !!! Lots of snow now. Must be 10-12 inches by now. I now have 65 KMs on the new sled. Everything seems fine !!!
Ya, the show is pretty stupid at times. It is a good depiction of some of the north but there is still a big chunk that is unknown to all !!! Like sleding in SEPTEMBER !!! Gas right now is $1.66/Liter. And that is only Mid-Grade (87 octane) It snowed again all day !!! Must be at least 15-15 inches now. It is a little wet but I am not going to complaine, right !!!
