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Big warmup of 2023 here already???

My wife just sent a text, morning news now says 9-12”. What happened to all this mega storm, storm for the ages talk? The Hype Masters never fail us. I wonder if they are tied with big business? Gets all the people stock piling groceries, beer, you name it.

Don’t get me wrong, a foot of fresh snow was just what we needed but all the hype makes me roll my eyes.

I just saw 10 more inches on top of what we already have. If that holds true, I'll be looking at 14-16" range. Still not too bad I guess but ya, F'n ridiculous.
I just saw 10 more inches on top of what we already have. If that holds true, I'll be looking at 14-16" range. Still not too bad I guess but ya, F'n ridiculous.
So far it’s all down by Rochester and the southern border. I work with a guy from down there and he said it’s been snowing hard there all morning. The weather folks sure have a hard time with their tracking for all of their state of the art technology.
It seems to be fizzling out here as well. Hope we still can get the 8 inches in northern lower Michigan that they are predicting now. Yesterday it was going to over a foot. :rolleyes:
IdK but it seems like they always forcast more rather than less in the weather business and it appears thats the norm in their industry. And I thought it only happens in Michigan.. I guess weather is not considered a business cause most businesses know that the first rule is always under promise, and over deliver in marketing .. Don’t they know a precise forcast is their marketing or do you think they just don’t care ??? I ran a business that was heavily dependent on weather forcasting so we had doppler radar up to the minute in our office and after a short period it was apparent that if you knew what you were doing , you could pin point pretty good factual weather forecasts.. It seems many have a hard time using this system.. Of course that should come as no surprise when you consider some young people can’t even count money or the basic math skill to give you back the right amount of change.
Unless something changes their forecast is looking like the mega joke of the century. 1-2” per hour…what?? At least in terms of how they presented it. Stores, schools, gyms you name it closed. People didn’t come to work today. I guess I’m old and these people wouldn’t know a good snowstorm if it t hit them in the A_ _.
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IdK but it seems like they always forcast more rather than less in the weather business and it appears thats the norm in their industry. And I thought it only happens in Michigan.. I guess weather is not considered a business cause most businesses know that the first rule is always under promise, and over deliver in marketing ..
They do that because most people hate snow, they're not all sled heads like us. That makes them look like heroes when there's less than predicted. Sucks for us but good for everybody else.
We have maybe 6” so far, we’ll see by tomorrow. We need to enjoy it ASAP. 36 degrees and rain on Monday and some other above freezing days in the forecast.
Now they're just plain lying. They said we got 15cm/6 inches overnight. There's barely a skiff on the truck. I call BS. However. The trails were opened again prior to the storm.

Likewise. Here in Tuftonboro NH we were forecasted 6-12 in. We got 4.
This was just the start for where I live. We are forecast to get 6-12 inches from now through Sat morning.
My wife just sent a text, morning news now says 9-12”. What happened to all this mega storm, storm for the ages talk? The Hype Masters never fail us. I wonder if they are tied with big business? Gets all the people stock piling groceries, beer, you name it.

Don’t get me wrong, a foot of fresh snow was just what we needed but all the hype makes me roll my eyes.
Never occurred to me, it gives food for thought though...
So far it’s all down by Rochester and the southern border. I work with a guy from down there and he said it’s been snowing hard there all morning. The weather folks sure have a hard time with their tracking for all of their state of the art technology.
I think they call it modeling now, this model or that model...one of them is a European model lol
It’s winding down here now, almost over. I’d say we got about a foot give or take. Definitely about half of their initial forecasts, no surprises there.

If I look at many of the bios of these local meteorologists several are not from here, Missouri, North Carolina, etc. As said they don’t really know what a good old fashion snowstorm is and tend to get overly excited.

Definitely better than freakN rain that’s for sure.

Warmer days are in the near future. Get out and ride!!
Well it all came at the tail end, I stand corrected:

