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Importing a Sled into Canada from the US

fireman said:
This is done by the manufactuer to protect their dealers on both sides of the border from currency changes .
You truly don't believe this is the reason do you ? Its not the currency changes or the exchange rate that is the problem here, Yamaha Canada is screwing the Canadian buyer big time. With the way the value of the US dollar has fallen versus the Yen, I must say I'm very pleased that US prices are as good as they are. Look at how much the Canadian dollar has improved against the American dollar in the last year.
I have a solution, if someone from Canada wants to buy my 05 RX-1ER it's for sale, don't worry about the 1-year warranty because it will be gone next year anyways, and I'm only 1/2 hour away from the border.
Your theory is totally flawed as I had several updates done in Canada on my F5, hundreds of dollars worth, that I bought in Michigan all under warranty. Same goes for vehicles. The way they will control it, the same way Arctic Cat did in Canada, is to penalize the selling dealer for any sales into Canada. The only way a selling dealer, Cat dealers did this, can hide the sale is to sell t o an American first than re-sell to Canadian no control over used sleds. The problem here is tax on the original sale to the resident which will reduce the total savings.

So how much is a po box in the US $2500, Idon't think so. ;)!
Listen ajkj, if everyone in your area goes south to buy a sled or whatever, what happens to the dealer in your area? If he has no sales the doors close. I know your thinking no big deal because you still saved $2500. But you have to look at the big picture here. What about the trucking company that brings his product in? No need for them anymore. What about the people working there? Nope, don't need them either. How about the corner gas station who sold that dealer all the gas & serviced there trucks. I guess he can't do a winter holiday because sales are down. The point is when you take your money elsewhere it's gone. Yeah I know your still looking at the $2500 in your pocket. But look at the big picture & how many other peoples lives it effects, and if you have the brain power to look really big, it might even affect you. :ORC
So with P.O. box you buy , pay state taxes, bring to the border, pay GST plus $169 inspection, bring to MTO, pay PST. Than find a dealer that will service it rather than stick you at the back of the line. Now how much have you really saved and how much have you lost in dealer support.

Suggest you support your dealer in the fight with Yamaha Canada rather than taking business away from him.

To the U.S. dealer it is not worth the hassle and possible sanctions from Yamaha to sell a few sleds to Canucks.

ajkj said:
I wouldn't take my sled to the Canadian dealer anyway, I'd take it to the US dealer who is going to treat me like gold, and wasn't so greedy to try and make a killing off of my purchase in the first place. I feel sorry for the Canadian dealers but the shoe is on the other foot now. :( Yamaha Canada is the one who has created this problem.

Geezzzz; your quite the political expert, Your last name wouldn't be Mulroney now would it.

You went 4 different ways just on the above, that you stated. Buy your sled wherever you like & do with it as you please. As you obviously "just don't get it" & probably never will.
if the sled was 10000 Us and 10000 cdn and a Us dollar was worth
1.60 cdn as it was in recent memory you could come up her and buy
the same sled for 6200 Us manufactuers price for the country they are
selling in exchange rates change which country is advantages to purchase
in is yamaha overpricing to cdn dealers probably but if a Us buck was costing canadians 1.50 there wouldnt be anyone going to the U s after you did the conversion it would be the same cost in cdn dollars hence the whole concept of cross border shoppinglots of americans were buying sleds cars trucks etc when the dollar was reversed so it was currency exchange that alowed that.
Green machine i may be wrong on the warranty on sleds that is what i was told by a frien d who has a dealership But on the GM isssue that is the way it is .I just got done trying to buy a new duramax 1 ton out of michiganno problem bring it in but GM would void the warranty at 6mths spoke with Gm Canada and Gm USA direct they do that to protect the dealers on from cross border shopping due to exchange rates .The US dealer wasnt aware of that issue either but he found it to be true as well.
Cat told Canadian dealers they would pull their line if they sold to U.S. buyers DIRECT, that is when they invented the so called used sled by selling to Canadian first.

All this is just nuts Yamaha should just drop the price to a fair level and save everyone the headache but I doubt that will happen. I dont blame anyone for saving 2500 bucks. The thing is we shouldnt have that much price diff period. Yamaha is so used to the cnd dollar being so low against the US dollar they just priced it the way they always have with old numbers. If I was looking for a new 06 I think I would phone dealers across the border also. The only way they are going to take notice and price these sleds at a fair market price is by people doing this. The world is a much smaller place now. No warranty and a 2500 dollar rebate on the price I would jump at it.
Maybe every time I sneek into Canada to buy drugs I can bring along a truck load of sleds. What a wacky way to run a country(s). LOL RR
For anyone who wants to figure out the conversion themselves, the exchange rate is that 1 USD = 1.20 Canadian. Its nowhere near the rate it was a year or two ago. I was quoted 9300 USD for a Apex GT multiply that by 1.20 and you get 11160 in Canadian dollars.

And as far as buying a sled in Canada goes, what about the Canadian buyer who can't afford a new Yamaha sled at Canadian prices, and either doesn't buy one or switches to a different manufacturer. Dealer looses on that one also. Didn't you guys ever hear of the laws of supply and demand ? Sounds like Yamaha Canada wants a monopoly on the Canadian market and some of you are willing to give them that.
Yes since they are a Canadian Company expect Yamaha Canada would expect a monopoly on Yamaha sleds in Canada. Kind of seems logical to me. It is not only Yamaha that has this attitude, all manufacturers have this attitude in every product not just snowmobiles.

Re: importing a sled into canada

ajkj said:
I bought a viper from Don George's last year, and imported it back to Canada. You don't pay the state tax. When you arive at the border with your receipt and sled,you go inside and they convert the price you paid into canadian dollars. then you pay the gst on that amount. then you pay $182 for the registrar of imported vehicles paperwork,and your on your way. A couple of weeks later they send you some paper work and you go to canadian tire and have it inspected. It's a joke. They check for a kill switch, reflectors,headlight on while running and speedo in kph,if not they put a sticker on it.With a digital guage no problem. The inspector signs the paper work and your off to the mto to register it. You pay the pst on the converted amount and they give you your sticker. :D I called customs this morning and nothing has changed since I did it. I have been dealing with Don Georges for over 15 years. They stock tons of parts and accessories. They sell lots of sleds, which means if their is a problem with a sled they will see it first ,because they have so many customers on the snow. Give Don Jr a call you won't be disapointed. 716 759-6837. They are only a half hour from Lewiston/Queenston Bridge. I talked with 3 Canadian dealers today and they gave me prices of 14400 and 14999 for GT's the first dealer was alotted 6 and they were sold ,the second had 2 but they were sold and the third had 1 and they wanted 14999. GT's are being marketed as limited production. Don't forget in the US their snow check ends on March 31

You wouldn't happen to WORK for Don George's would you????? :ORC
