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Importing a Sled into Canada from the US

Listen ajkj, if everyone in your area goes south to buy a sled or whatever, what happens to the dealer in your area? If he has no sales the doors close.

You know what...I'm a 1/2 hour from the US border and NOBODY around here has sleds and none of the dealers sell enough that I trust them to work on them. The local Yamaha dealer sells 4 or 5 sleds tops...the rest of his sales are ATV's/bikes/watercraft etc. No snow down here=No Demand. I have to take my Yamaha sleds North of Toronto in order to find a decent shop (1 1/2 Hour drive). So driving my Apex back across the border for warranty repairs will probably save me about an hour each way and that is NOOOOOO PROBLEM...AND I save $2500. Sorry but if it was even $1000 difference I would stay in Canada because my dealer here is probably the best I have ever dealt with.....THE ONE I DRIVE 2 HOURS TO GET TO.... :? .....but....sorry guys.

IT's $2500....hey....that's a FULL season of riding for me! Can't argue with the math! They tax us up here bad enough...$2500 is actually $5000 BEFORE TAXES! :ORC
Simich said:
Listen ajkj, if everyone in your area goes south to buy a sled or whatever, what happens to the dealer in your area? If he has no sales the doors close.

You know what...I'm a 1/2 hour from the US border and NOBODY around here has sleds and none of the dealers sell enough that I trust them to work on them. The local Yamaha dealer sells 4 or 5 sleds tops...the rest of his sales are ATV's/bikes/watercraft etc. No snow down here=No Demand. I have to take my Yamaha sleds North of Toronto in order to find a decent shop (1 1/2 Hour drive). So driving my Apex back across the border for warranty repairs will probably save me about an hour each way and that is NOOOOOO PROBLEM...AND I save $2500. Sorry but if it was even $1000 difference I would stay in Canada because my dealer here is probably the best I have ever dealt with..... :? .....but....sorry guys.

IT's $2500....hey....that's a FULL season of riding for me! Can't argue with the math! They tax us up here bad enough...$2500 is actually $5000 BEFORE TAXES! :ORC
So you live close to the "BEST DEALER YOU HAVE EVER DEALT WITH" but he only sells 4 or 5 sleds a year? Why would he stock more than that if all you "BOZOS" who live close to the border run to where you will save a buck? Thus starts the downward spiral of the economy. First it's sleds, mabey ATV's next cars, trucks weekly shopping trips and don't forget to tell a few friends so they can save to! Okay I can't hold back anymore.... I'm going the Prairie Dog way and say whats on my mind! If all of you smog suckin southern Ontario wingnuts want to save a big buck, why don't you pack your bags and move down to the other side, you will save sooooo much money, you will be rich beyond your wildest dreams. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE WAY IT IS HERE PLEASE LEAVE!!!! :ORC
So you live close to the "BEST DEALER YOU HAVE EVER DEALT WITH" but he only sells 4 or 5 sleds a year? Why would he stock more than that if all you "BOZOS" who live close to the border run to where you will save a buck? Thus starts the downward spiral of the economy. First it's sleds, mabey ATV's next cars, trucks weekly shopping trips and don't forget to tell a few friends so they can save to! Okay I can't hold back anymore.... I'm going the Prairie Dog way and say whats on my mind! If all of you smog suckin southern Ontario wingnuts want to save a big buck, why don't you pack your bags and move down to the other side, you will save sooooo much money, you will be rich beyond your wildest dreams. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE WAY IT IS HERE PLEASE LEAVE!!!! :ORC

FIRST...the BEST dealer I dealt with is the one I have to drive almost 2 hours to get to. Not the local one....he's the knob......geesh!

WOW.. :shock: .some pretty rude comments....I sense an ONTARIO hater in the group....why don't you chill out man? There's no need for name callin.... ;)!
I'm not an Ontario hater by any means, I have good friends & family that live in Ontario. What I don't care for is people who have there heads stuck so far up there backside that they can't smell fresh air until they fart! :moon: What I read from you & everyone in your area with having to save a buck by (pardon my language) screwing the local dealers it lumps you in that group. Mabey before you reply to this you should take a course on buisness & economics, it might open your eyes! :shock:
Don't force me to lock this thread! you guys are getting a little to hostile here! BVER FEVR i am of the same opinion as you "support your local dealer" But then again we are older and probably can afford to look at things this way. The younger guy's starting out have less money than us old farts and may find that going elsewhere is the only way they can afford these new expensive toys. I know for a fact that in New England there's a lot of the same thing going on either Mass or New Hampshire has no state tax where do you think people go to buy sleds they even go as far as registering them in different states. Thats really no different than whats going on here! Keep in mind also that dealers make very little on new sleds, they get they're income from doing repairs and maintenance which they will be getting anyway! Let's stop the personal attacks and discuss this like adults :ORC
Why don't you go have your "FUN" on AMSNOW...!

Remember this is a dicussion.....how many guys on this forum have ACTUALLY went over to the states and bought a sled? I would guess none! I am not buying a sled until next Fall so I have plenty of time to decide what my options are. I don't need some guy from Winnipeg to explain to me how I should spend my hard earned money. Convert implied that you are older??? WOW...I would have thought you were a 14Yr Old kid....by the way you reply to these threads.

You have anything else to say to me PM me or email me. I am done with this thread.

PS. Thanks Convert. :Rockon:
Your guess is wrong as to how many people from Manitoba have actually gone to the US & bought sleds.
with the u.s selling sleds at 9000 to 9500 and canada selling the same sled at 14000 to 15000 the difference is over 4000 bucks when exchange and taxes are figured in.that kind of coin is worth a road trip no matter where you live. those that can afford to drop that kind of extra coin can drop it into my account, and when ive reached 17000 dollars i will shop locally. see how nice i am?
Just wondering why anybody in there right mind would pay $2,500 more in Canada. My sleds don't see dealers very often anyways. The name of the game is to be competive with pricing in Canada or the US. Heck, they are made in Japan. The dealers in Canada should be letting Yamaha Canada know whats going on and asking a whole lot of questions.

Competion is good.
Perhaps someone on this site could get this obvious pricing concern (for the CDN public anyway) to Yamaha Canada's General Manager of Sales and Marketing, Peter Smallman-Tew. Who knows we might even get a response.........
I am in the same boat here guys.
Compare apples to apples, Attak is 20% more in Canada than US, MSRP
Apex is 16% I believe.
Forget about which dealer is selling what for what. That is negotiation, different subject.
I am thinking of perhaps 2 new sleds this year.
I am looking at about $5 grand more to buy in my home town vs US
which is an hour away. I gotta earn $10,000 for that.
Man it is hard to justify.
My main concern is for the Canadian dealers. I can wait. What about them?
I recognize that currency fluctuates and I know Yamaha gave us Canucks a bit of a break when our dollar was so low. I appreciated that. Therefore I do not mind paying a little more now our dollar is up. But 16% t0 20 %
is bordering on gouging.
The yanks got things like free 3 year warranty, higher Yamabucks etc when they were disadvantaged vs the Canadians. It appears we get nothing except less Yamabucks. [$600 Cdn vs $960 Cdn equivilant]
That being said, I will buy from my dealer if I buy a new Yamaha sled this year.
In all likelyhood though I will probably keep my Warrior and if my wife gets a new sled to replace her 2001 700 Deluxe, it will probably be a Polaris Classic. [god it hurt me to say that]
Therefore Yamaha gets no sales this year to me.
Tokyo probably does not care if Canucks buy Canadian or US as they still get the sale and probably will have less warranty claims as people will not travel for small warranty items.

Come on Yamaha Canada, give us a bit of a break or give us some freebies or something.
As an aside.
Does anyone know what the other guys are doing.
Are Canadian buyers of the other three sled manufacturers products looking at 15% to 20 % more to buy in Canada than the US?
