• We are no longer supporting TapaTalk as a mobile app for our sites. The TapaTalk App has many issues with speed on our server as well as security holes that leave us vulnerable to attacks and spammers.

Improve your photos 1000%, it's easy, learn here

When I try to upload an image, i click on add attachment. Then I pick the picture through browse and click add attachment. What I get is a saying "Error, tried to load empty file." What am I doing wrong?


Improve even more, tune the pictures, takes seconds :)
Hope Eagle1 forgives me for "borrowing" his picture.

Dudes, a "dark" image can be saved, it usualy holds the image-info needed, you just need to tweak it. Most pocketcameras strugels.
Made an example, only did ONE adjustment in photoshop, there are other free alternatives out there.

Maybe someone who are more skilled than me could make a small "How to", or I could make one. That is, if annyone is interested :)

Original, outa-da-camera probably

1 adjustment done, "Levels":


  • TestLevels.jpg
    226.2 KB · Views: 586
If someone have a INSANE GOOD shot, but it's ruined because its under/over exposed, I'm willing to help 4 free, PM me for mailadress :)
(as long as ppl dont line upp in hundreds ;) )
I have to add my 2 cents regarding using image hosting sites. Sure they're great for photo presentations of weekend trips, classifieds and other fun stuff BUT I think that any pictures used to clarify a technical post or something that would have an archival or informational value should be uploaded directly to this forum and here's why...

Image hosting sites eventually delete those photos after a certain amount of time. You can already see these in this thread on the first page. I don't know how they determine which pictures to delete but we have absolutely no control over that. By uploading IMPORTANT photos directly to posts, we can be sure it will stay as long as the forum stays online. Hard drives are getting cheaper all the time (1TB is around $100).

So if 10 years from now, some kid picks up a cheap 2007 Yamaha and needs to know how to fix or modify something on it, the reference photos will still be here.

Here's tip for those making technical type photos where you want to add lines, arrows, circles, text or anything else to the photo, get ScreenShotCaptor available at http://www.donationcoder.com. It is donationware, which means you can use it free but you will be "encouraged" (aka "nagged") to donate. It's a very useful and can do almost anything except fix photos (i.e. make dark photos light) but it can resize photos.

Mooseman said:
Image hosting sites eventually delete those photos after a certain amount of time. You can already see these in this thread on the first page. I don't know how they determine which pictures to delete but we have absolutely no control over that. By uploading IMPORTANT photos directly to posts, we can be sure it will stay as long as the forum stays online. Hard drives are getting cheaper all the time (1TB is around $100).

I think I can speak for TY and say that we agree in everything you've posted. Going to make some clarifications however.

Image hosting sites don't delete pictures 99% of the time. The users delete them or move them, breaking the link. The hosting sites MAY be deleting images on abandoned or closed accounts but I doubt that's the case, although one could imagine the links breaking when an account is closed. Some guys also have popular pictures that cause them to go over on their allowed hosting bandwidth each month.

I don't think storage is the benefit TY realizes when members chose to host off-site (like you said, storage is cheap), it's the bandwidth that TY saves on. Bandwidth is not an issue in the off season but becomes an issue during the sledding season. Bandwidth costs money for a site this size.

Most of the tech info I post will go on the TY server for the reasons you mentioned. My fluff (signature image for example) and other images are off-site (photo bucket).

Good post, brings up a couple things for guys to consider when adding attachments or
I want to change my avatar pic but I can not. It always tells me it to large, no matter how small I resize it. What Iam doing wrong?

Thanks Richie R
70superbee said:
I want to change my avatar pic but I can not. It always tells me it to large, no matter how small I resize it. What Iam doing wrong?

Thanks Richie R

From the Avatar section of the profile page, just so everyone knows what it says without going to look: width no greater than 165 pixels, the height no greater than 165 pixels, and the file size no more than 195 KB

So there is a dimension AND file size limit. Is it possible you are over one of those? I Pm'd my email to you so you can send the pic you wan to use.
