Interesting (short) revue

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Not to worried about the chassis. I got five years of coverage for that. Lol
Not trying turn this site against you. Don't see how this sled is a failure when it hasn't touched the snow yet. How do you know the Viper needs mods to run with the Nytro? I don't work for Yamaha. I actually was not in favor of this cat/yammi hybrid but afte some thought, talking to some reps and riding one I actually bought one. Traded in my 2012 APex in fact.
Are you always this dramatic???
Man, its not about how fast the sled is... Not at all. I have the 800 Suzuki motor in a XF/Proclimb hybrid (High Country). It will only do 80 mph, maybe 90 if the stars are aligned. Put me in the deep snow on an incline on one ski with the wrong foot forward and those 165 horses will spin the 2.25 lug track so its standing on end. A Nytro will beat me in a race across the pond though.
Agreed--I wouldn't have gotten rid of my Apex if speed was the only factor. I think the Viper will be plenty quick for the trails. My Nytro xtx went well on the trails but turned like a truck.
This thread is worthless.... :die ......

This sled will be faster than the nytro though the trails and that's a fact.... ;)!
Agreed and agreed--I'm out.
I agree with you but it's like a train wreck, I can't help but watch. Lol
OK so now that you see my point... and you all are saying no one who bought a viper cares about top end, then why didn't the sled mag report on it now instead a freedom of the press when it comes to sled mags and websites?...LOL

You all know if the viper was ahead or held its own it would have been said so to boost sales.
No one will give a rip come fall.
Snoway...and to anyone else that wants to keep pushing...I am tired of seeing the negative BS on this sled... it has not even had a real chance to prove itself.

This is my final warning to snoway and anyone else that has nothing good to say. Go put your sleds away and quit bitching and whining... or you will be removed permanently.

Its not about freedom of speach... its about you saying the same crap over and over with this higher then mighty chip on your shoulder. As I have told so many others... WAIT and see how it pans out... speculation is useless information.

I have now open the bay doors for the mods to drop bombs and squash this BS that litters the site... be warned.
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