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it happened to me


Feb 22, 2004
first ride of the season 4 or 5 miles in crossed a little wash out in the trail,maybe going 5 mph slightly down hill hit a rock half the size of a bowling ball jarred the bar from my hand, i hit things 3 times harder than that last year going way faster with out any problem this time bent sub frame, can't believe that all it took to bend it . i now believe every one of you guys that said they were not doing anything out the ordinary when they bent theirs. will see what the dealer says on tues.

Please approach this with professionalism to your dealer. If you run it there with your hair on fire and all "bent out of shape" (he he he) they're less likely to push it through as a warranty for you. I have been hearing more and more positive things about getting them replaced, but keep your head on , and you'll get alot further..
Gotta be sure sometimes. Never know the demeaner of many of the people who experience problems.
I FEEL YOUR PAIN! I Had the same thing happen to me, 25 miles on new XTX riding around neighbors field, hit a 4x4 landscape timber at an angle going about 10 MPH, small jar but nothing major, hand never even came off bar. looked at left side suspension it was pushed back 2 inches. took to dealer $1100.00 estimate. Great quality YAMAHA! I have been bleeding blue since I bought my first 1980 SRX when I was 15! Now I am starting to have my doubts. I wonder what will happen if I hit a washout on a RR bed doing 80? I suppose the skis will blow right off! So far not very impessed!
Don't even get me started on the handwarmers!
i was one of the guys that would say my 08 is fine and i hit stuff and it did not bend you must have been going to fast or driving crazy or there was a defect in a batch of parts ,my warrior would of laughed at that wash out.
Thats a coincidence, My last sled was a Warrior too. There were times on my other yammies that I didn't even want to get off and look at my front ends after hitting rocks, roots, and what not and I never had this much damage from hitting something so minimal. My local trails opened yesterday and here I sit with no sled to ride.
This is absolutely insane!! I guess all of my months and months of research was all BS!! This is my very first Yamaha, coming off of Poo, and I was really excited to have a fun, reliable and durable sled!! These forums have got me thinking this is nothing more than a $10,000 paper weight! I'm almost terrified to take it out on the snow!! I never buy first year sleds, that's why I waited for '09 so they could get some of the kinks out. Every manu has to do this because first years usually have some bugs. Come on, bending frames @ 10mp/h!!!!!!!!??????? What about all of the guys that fly through the air with these things?? I just can't believe the extremely negative stuff I'm hearing about this sled but for some strange reason people keep buying them!! Like I said, I researched for months and months about this sled before buying, I always do, but about 75- 80% of it was super positive and I wanted a change! Was getting tired of Poo's continued shortcomings and mistakes. I know Yamaha has the best engine on snow but you can't tell me that they put it in such a piece of #$$%* chassis that if you sneeze in your helmet the frame is gonna bend!! How come all of the test reviewers that have had a whole season on an '08 with thousands of miles aren't reporting all of this stuff? I'm all for forums like these and trust me this is an extremely well put together and well run site and the efforts of those that put their time into it to keep it clean and efficient deserve a round of applause! There is lots of information on here on how to keep your sled running perfectly and the knowledge some of the people have is amazing! It's really nice to have a site like this to help you in your sled ownership but it seems that everyday I log on there is somebody starting a new thread to b*$%h about something else! I really hope I didn't make a mistake by joining Team Blue!
kkraus said:
I FEEL YOUR PAIN! I Had the same thing happen to me, 25 miles on new XTX riding around neighbors field, hit a 4x4 landscape timber at an angle going about 10 MPH, small jar but nothing major, hand never even came off bar. looked at left side suspension it was pushed back 2 inches. took to dealer $1100.00 estimate. Great quality YAMAHA! I have been bleeding blue since I bought my first 1980 SRX when I was 15! Now I am starting to have my doubts. I wonder what will happen if I hit a washout on a RR bed doing 80? I suppose the skis will blow right off! So far not very impessed!
Don't even get me started on the handwarmers!

So you mean to tell me this is going to continue to happen on NEW 09 UPDATED SUBFRAMES TOO ?!?!??? Just when you think you're in the clear and ready for take off.... #$%&*

Great, just Great..... :o|
Kkruas's post is the first I've read about bending an '09 subframe. I'll be curious to see if others begin to experience problems as well.

In the dealer literature it specifically mentions to look for signs of impact. Seems like the front clip may have an inherent weak spot even when reinforced? The a-arms are super long and provide a lot of leverage on the front clip if one is to catch on something.

I'm wondering if we can determine what angle is needed for impact forces to tweak the clip? With the old Revs, seems like it they took an impact a certain way it resulted in a bent nun. From what I've read on Doo-talk, the new XP's are experiencing the same thing. I don't believe the IQ or Cat have these issues.
FYI, I want to clarify that I did not bend my subframe, it was my lower A-arm and steering rod, but still it wasn't that hard of an impact. Maybe one theroy is that they made the A-arms bend easier so it doesn't damage the subframe on the 09's ? I don't know. All I am saying that I have been riding Yamaha's for over 25 years and never seen a front end bend so easy. Maybe it was just dumb luck or just the way I hit it. I guess with all the manufactures making their sleds lighter and lighter, the strenght is going to be impacted.
CRAZY JUST HAPPEND TO ME TODAY. Got off trail snow covered like a ditch didnt see it rode down in to it and everythign seemed fine till i cam out of the ditch and my ski was pused back 2 or 3 inches
FYI, I want to clarify that I did not bend my subframe, it was my lower A-arm and steering rod, but still it wasn't that hard of an impact. Maybe one theroy is that they made the A-arms bend easier so it doesn't damage the subframe on the 09's ? I don't know. All I am saying that I have been riding Yamaha's for over 25 years and never seen a front end bend so easy. Maybe it was just dumb luck or just the way I hit it. I guess with all the manufactures making their sleds lighter and lighter, the strenght is going to be impacted.
DID they warranty that for you and if not how much is it gonna effect my pocket book
I also bent one today on my 09 SE. Seems that the factory did not tighten the bolt on the top right A-arm, thus it fell out bending everything back towards the rear. Sled is pretty quick, beat 3 Dragon 600's by 2-10 lenghts, an F7 by 3, and an Apex 50% of the time. Sled sucks in the bush. ;)!
