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Kingers BOOSTED garage....

More progress I got the sled start system installed tonight. Good grief if they made it any more simple it would install itself! I haven't tested it yet as I dont have my IC back on but the quality of connector and wiring are top shelf. I had to mount my module on the outside of the head light pod because the MPI SC kit displaces the battery to the side where most install the module. A few picts the description is in the heading.

I am going to install some LEDs next then I can wrap up the front of the sled and head to the rear for the fuel pump, ZX2, and new cobra track I got!! :Rockon:


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Well I worked on the sled ALL weekend and its still in more peices then when I started! This sled is killing me, I am starting to question the 2500 miles on it, seriously it looks like 20,000.

My plan was to swap drivers, back to 9T extros, cobra track, Zx2 rear suspension, finish and test sled start, replace stock fuel pump with high flow, replace steering bushings with OFT bushings, and get it all buttoned up Sunday for a test ride and Wendsday head to the UP!

Well I got the sled start done and it works real well, I love it!

I also got the steering bushings done and will test the before and after slop to see if it reduced some, my plastic ones were squeaking and they eliminated that.

I dropped the suspension and found my exhaust is cracked almost in half! So I'm heading to the welder in a few minutes to try and repair. It was also missing one clamp and the other busted off when I removed it. Great...While the exhaust is out I notice the stud protector is loose so I go to replace those rivets, good grief they will not come out takes me over a hour...lets just say I hate rivets..keep reading...

I installed the right side ZX2 plate perfectly and moved to the left side, here I installed it back about 1/4" from where it needs to be and I already had 3 rivets in it. So I proceeded to drill them out YEAH RIGHT, apparently I bought kryptonite rivets because it took me about 2.5 hours and 4 drill bits to get them all loose! What a waste of time, but I got the plate where it needs to be now.

On to the chain case I find a bad bearing on the driveshaft, I pull the cap off and manage to make it a pretty good fix but missing the BOTH set screws so I will have to order those.

I haven't opened a chain case for over 3 years since my RX1 and let me tell ya I struggled, I finally got it back together after about 4 hours of assemblying, removing, assemble, search parts diagram, remove, assemble, what a PITA!

On to my ebrake I replaced the brake pads in it done.

On to my fuel pump and I get it all buttoned up and it will not fit in the tank! I am going to have to play with that again tonight.

So I'm stuck with the exhaust at the shop and my fuel pump holding me back. If I can wrap them up bolt in the Zx2 adjust track tension and alignment and hope it all holds together!
Eureka! I got it all done today and finally assembled. Thankfully I had lots of spare parts from my RX1 namely exhaust clamps or I wouldn't have been able to finish this sled for my trip tommorrow.

I got it all assembled and we just got 12" of fresh powder and I was the first one out, I had a TON of fun!

The exhaust fix made my AEM gauge work at idle so it must have been cracked for some time because before it would just go off the charts lean till you hit 3000 rpm.

So far I'm not impressed with the cobra track, in the powder its not as good as my predator. I found a hardpack/ice road and only could hit 122mph before it just spun out and wouldn't let me go any faster! I have brand new carbides and the ZX2 set to less transfer on the 1/4 position maybe they were just digging too much?

THe slydog skis do float MUCH better then my simmons ever thought of it. They also steer VERY well in the deep almost to hard the keel just grabs the powder and you have to be driving it or it will drive you!

On hardpack the sled steers much easier then simmons and about equal to C&A razors. I'll get a good darting and steering test this week when I head to the UP for all groomed trail riding.

The ZX2 is awesome, I forgot how much I missed it! A little small speed vibration but its not annoying yet.

The RTX seat is a HUGE improvment for me compared to the stock GT seat which was so soft by the end of the day I shrunk 2-3" and was hurting my hips, the RTX seat is firm but supple if that makes any sense. Thanks again YAMMER for trading with me!

I have a lot of hours between the front bushings, maint issues on bearings, ebrake, chain case, extros, track, suspension, sled start, etc and I was frustrated working on it so much so it was awesome to put on 20 of the most fun miles today!! We never get snow like this; man I had a blast!

Yamaha's rule, and superchargers on yamahas are gods gift to snowmobilers!!!!
Kinger, glad to see that you got it together in time. Man have you done alot of work on that ride. It looks like a sick ride. :Rockon: Have a great time on your UP trip. G.B.
Well I good news and bad news LOL

First the good news, the sled is a absolute BLAST to ride! The Zx2, 13mm bar, new bushings in the front end, GYTR shocks, everything works perfect together, it handled fantastic, soaked up the big bumps real nice and even the smaller ones it did a damn nice job. The stiffer foam seat was perfect no hip pain at all because my knees stayed below my hip line, not like before on the softer seat.

We got in 500 miles before the bad news:

Riding down the trail having the time of my life and it goes full lean and instantly dies, I suspected it was my fuel pump I just put in and sure enough hit the key and no fuel. I get towed back to the trailer pull it apart and there is nothing wrong? Relays work fine, and click but I got no power to fuel pump.

So one of the guys on the trip offers up his 500 ski doo and I ride that on the last day.

Turns out there is a fuse on the big relay for the starter system and when you go to a aftermarket pump you need to up the fuse from 10amps to 20amps DOH!!! I will get that replaced tonight and make sure that is all it is.

Over all though this sled rules, stupid fast, handles very well I could keep up with 05 revs with GOOD hard riders on them no problems, I will say they are still probably faster then me in the tight twisties and better at standing up then mine but mine is perfect for how I like to ride and for the most part I can keep up which is all i wanted, get to a flat staight spot and I dont even get to the bar before I'm right on thier azz again. Did I say this sled is fast? This sled is FAST. Seriously you dont need this much power but god dang its fun!!!!

I was getting about 8.5mpg riding very hard and about 10mpg riding easier. When I filled up the Doo 800's were always putting in a titch less fuel then me and once I put in less so its almost a push.

Overall I give this sled about a 11 out of 10 on the fun power scale, and a 8/9 out of 10 on the handling scale.

The slydogs could use a small shim to eliminate the tiny bit of darting I had otherwise the front end bushings fixed 95% of that problem!

The cobra track, eeehhh not too sure on this one yet I'll keep it just cause its a PITA to swap around but I like my predator better in the RX1 with the exact same set up sans the 100hp less.

I am still blowing a little oil out the breather hose not a ton but enough to soak the towel I had tied on the end of it. I need to come up with some sort of recirculation system to catch it and put it back in the tank just not sure how to do it yet.

Other then that the sled is solid and once I get this fuse thing worked out I will be confident it will last any amount of miles I throw at it provided I keep finding good fuel.

Thanks too all for all the help so far!!
Well I got 1000 miles on the sled now and happy to say its dialed in. The A/F readings are perfect except for one spot at 90mph which doesn't bother me because I rarely cruise at that speed.

I hit 133mph before I had to let off because I ran out of room but I had 1/4 throttle left and still climbing hard. This baby is wicked fast.

If I can ever meet up with anybody your welcome to ride the sled, everyone needs to experience boost! I'm truly spoiled now between the ZX2, supercharger, rtx seat, sled start, etc this baby is one awesome trail sled!

So far its meeting my reliability standards and I have had only one instance were I needed to use the Torco and run 87 and it held together so I feel confident taking this anywhere!

Here are some pictures from the last trip to the UP really a beautiful area up there!


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Finally installed my new windshield which I think really makes the graphics kit stand out better.

Did another 150 miles on ditch banging and this sled is FUN FUN FUN! I cant remember having this much fun on a sled! In the deep she points the skis in the air and the ZX2 just soaks up any bumps in the fields. Power is UNREAL I still cant get used to it!

Love it love it love it!

Now my fingers crossed it holds up over the long haul and I am one happy man!

:Rockon: :yam:


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kinger said:
Finally installed my new windshield which I think really makes the graphics kit stand out better.

Did another 150 miles on ditch banging and this sled is FUN FUN FUN! I cant remember having this much fun on a sled! In the deep she points the skis in the air and the ZX2 just soaks up any bumps in the fields. Power is UNREAL I still cant get used to it!

Love it love it love it!

Now my fingers crossed it holds up over the long haul and I am one happy man!

:Rockon: :yam:


Do they require a special permit in Iowa to have this much fun? After all of your hard work, it's nice to see you out enjoying the Apex. Can't wait to see it with a 151" underneath it :jump:

Looks awesome! Keep up the good times ;)!

Yes they do, its called the workonittillyoulikeit permit and its a lot of work to get it but once you do its OH LA LA!

The 162" will go on next year for our west trip, should be interesting being a mountain virgin and taking a SC apex 162" 2.25" track out there!

I predict lots of stucks followed by a tree accident LOL
Well all done for the year with my first boosted sled!! Got 1500 miles and must say the sled worked great and took some of my fear that a boosted sled cant take a beating on a trail or in a iowa ditch away. This baby is reliable!

I had three small problems one was the stock fuel pump ran out of fuel and I was going lean so I installed a larger 255 lph one and it worked great till the stock 10 amp fuse blew and I didn't know there was a fuse located on the relay next to the battery box (different on my mpi kit) once I replaced that with a 20amp and unplugged the gems reset all the codes, plugged it back in Voila back in business and worked great! Got another 750 miles on since then.

Second issue started getting worse on last ride and that was a wandering idle, it hunts between 800-1800 rpm while tring to idle. I will figure that out over the summer. I noticed most of my vacumn hoses didn't have cable ties on them and one looked loose, I'm hopeful the problem is in one of them. Hopefully my last 'bad install' find from the previous owner.

Last issue was the AEM wideband O2 sensor burnt out at 1200 miles. I hope I get better life out of that!

Motor work was flawless by Ulmer! Thanks Allen!

SC belts never touched them or looked at them am I supposed to?

Clutch belt was used and went through the whole year even standing the sled on it tail multiple times having fun in some deep stuff :-)

Oil didn't burn use/lose a drop after I rerouted the breather hose up by the bars, when I had it up near the front of the sled it would run down hill and I lost a tiny but but lubed my left side A-arm bushings LOL. Once rerouted I got over 500 miles and everything stayed clean, engine is tip top!

Sled start - Having some issues there its not working correctly but Kurt is helping me out on that.

ZX2 - Really cant say how much I appreciate this skid, makes you feel like pounding the sled and it just screams MORE. This skid is a real treat I'm lucky to be able to own one. It is due for hyfax this summer but I got over 3500 miles on the first set!

Slydog powder hounds - best ski so far with the exception of the C&A razors on the trail they are hard to beat but for a crossver the powderhounds on trail or off they work fantastic.

GYTR shocks - Love these things I run them full soft when the trails get junkie and they soak it up without bottoming, I run full stiff when the trails are flat and she corners awesome I just have to give a little bit of a lean and I can fly through them in a controlled fashion. Ditching banging I run a few clicks up from soft and they work great. I wanted to try Ohlins but just cant justify the cost as these work great.

RTX seat - MUCH better improvement and with all the sld has to offer I can't say this is my favorite mod but its darn close. I go 6' and 215 and the GT seat was too spongy and I found myself not being able to stand as easily, swapped with a local yamaha guy for the RTX seat and everythint was MUCH better. Seat is perfect for me.

If anbody is wondering if a boosted sled is suitable for the trails I must say YES a MPI supercharged sled is perfect for the trails.

Only drawback if you call it that is a mpg I get around 70 miles on a tank (same as a rev 800) and the light comes on I could probably sqeek 90 miles on a tank on fumes but never pushed it as I planned my gas fill ups. I may try to find a gas carrying solution this summer just to get me to 100 mile before the light comes on.

Thanks to everyone for help and support on this sled and my previous ones!! Just makes sledding all that much more enjoyable!
hey dude...question...did you do the leakdown test yourself? you got a guage?
Yes I did it myself, and had to buy the darn gauge to do it. I test it every year. You need to borrow it? I can drop it in the mail for you.
that would be awesome...I want to do it...have instructions for a novice? lol
