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Let The #*$&@ Kickin Begin!


Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Western Montana
I have decided to go with the Boondocker Nitrous System. After researching it out, I found that they have made some significant changes. You can now clamp it as long as you want, till the nitrous runs out, won't blow the engine. Easy clean install in 2 hours. Lightweight. Stealth if you want it. 230 hp on the rX1. About $800.00. Check it out. RX1 install pics
with turbo and without. http://www.boondockers.com/Snowmobiles.html


Whacker when I last talked to Boondockers they were claiming only something like 40hp. (Only? like 40 isn't cool enough). To go to 230 is a huge jump. They also were saying around $1100 for the RX cause it needed and extra nozzle. Looks like they are still using two nozzles with the K&N setup. Have they figured out a way to use the stock airbox yet? Any idea how long that bottle will last? That bottle looks like a 2 pounder. Don't they have a 4 lb as well? How much does NOS cost? Are you going to fill a larger bottle so you can do at home fills?

Have you used NOS before? Just how safe is it? I have had turbo's and superchargers on cars before, but have never really used NOS.

I had all but given up on NOS, but you've got me reconsidering.
i have 2 boondocker set ups and if they ever tell you 2 lbs last all day there full of #*$&@

i run 3 bottle a day if you think a 2lbs bottle will last you all day then you only have 4 hrs a day to use it
dont ever think the bottle dont get emty fast cause it dose when your at WOT the bottle dont last ... just to let you know

i have a spare kit i want to sell for 550$ us and you buy your own bottle
bottle are cheep
with my kit i have you can plum it into the air box under it so nobody sees it thats a stealth set up

the new kit thay are using on the rx1 with filters well as you can see it can be seen ;(

i have my post posted in the swap section here
you can see what it looks like
Hey Spray - Marc (srxxtreeme) is right, I went thru a pound in just a 1/4 mile with my Race quad, and that was set for 75 horse, that is including the purge I would do also. But I saw this kit at Hay Days, and didn't like the way it does not add fuel like other kits do, thay rely on the fuel mixture getting richer from the carbs. I talked to the guy there and he said it automatically changes fuel settings. (?) I don't want to wonder how, because it is not fuel injected. (?) And without changing stock timing, you shouldn't go more than 50 horse on stock timing. I can't see running it all day, and not filling up, unless you have a big compartment with a 20 lb. bottle in the rear.

What about wear and tear on the motor? What is your assesment of the effects it has on the motor at say 40HP? This engine is not cheap to rebuild like a two stroke is.

If you were using a pound in 1/4 mile with 70HP that MIGHT mean a pound for a 1/2 mile at 40HP, but that still doesn't seem like much. Even with their 4 lb bottle that is only 2 miles.

I want a turbo, but $800-$1100 for NOS sure sounded bettter than $3500-$5000 for a turbo. :(
Sorry for taking so long to get back to you guys. Had an accident today, I think the fault is 50/50 because neither of us were issued a citation. I'll ask you guys for your opinion in another post.
Back to the NOS. I talked with a friend of mine yesterday that installed the Boondocker kit on an RX1 last season. He said the thing is an animal, they didn't dyno it, but running side by side with his RX1, the nitrous sled spanked him like he was on a 440 Jag. They were side by side at 50 mph, they both nailed it and the nitrous sled gassed his at the same time. He litterally kicked his #*$&@, within 1/4 mile he had about 15 sled lengths on the stock sled.
I just figured the horsepower increase going by their 55% increase claim on their site. Of course that increase was on a quad I believe.
As far as how long it lasts, that dependes on how well you can keep your hand out of the cookie jar. Your sled will perform as well as it does now, so you don't need it very often, only to drag and top the hill no one else is making. I think I could control myself to make a 3# bottle go all day easily. I was told 3 ponds will run a total of 8 to 10 minutes.
One of the reasons I want to try it is I don't want to shell out $3500.00 to $4000.00 on a turbo. That's rediculous. Plus the install on a turbo is a pain.
With a NOS kit, just diciplin yourself to stay off the bottle unless your establishing the pecking order or you want to put a mark up there that makes your 2 stroke buds look like pusses.
i only use NOS in my motor i paid 10 grand for .
so must tell you somthing right....

i will also be running NOS and a turbo in my rx1 and also water / meth ..
so just to tell you my rx1 will be a fast MOTHER F@#$ER or maby the fastest ....

and also #1 point

it cost 12$ every time you fill those dam bottles .. so you do 4 bottles a weekend 12x4= 48$ a weekend that just weekends now im shure you all ride during the week too with buds going for a beer or even just sturing #*$&@ up with cops in twon at night . dont come tell me well im this old and i dont do that crap ... cause we all do even at 55 years old. i know my dad dose it too , its a buzz to out run cops ...
or just to go out ..... so you looking a winter ruffly speeking 2500 to 3000$ just in NOS fuel to play .... so realy is worth it ... hell yeah .

but to the average guy no!!!!!!!!

if you say well 800 to 1000$ for a kit well think about were the fuel is and how much ....
i say yes a its cheeper at 1st but in the end your turbo is cheeper year after year ....

just cost 3500 to 4500 to start ;(

so just to let you know spray25 those are points to think about befor ..

unless you can find a cheeper kit like around 550$ ;) thats makes even better ;)

chow :twisted:
Oh, I forgot. Yes, the price of $850.00 is for the RX1 kit. I was told this by a guy that sells them for Boondocker, a dealer. Spray, I think the NOS is a good way to go. I look at it like this. The sleds I couldn't beat beat in drag races last year, it was really close. So....You race them and just give a little 5 second nip off the bottle, enough to kick their but. They'll want to run again, then give it to them again. It's going to be easy to judge just how much you need.
When you're climbing, if your sled works like mine, it already does very well, no one outmarked me last season, a nip at the top of the hill to blow over the top where the rest can't. I think fun is what it'll be. If you do short bursts like that at the right time, it'll go a long way. They also state they have done some research and found a way to prevent ice crystaling, that was one of the things that kills motors. They fog into the airbox instead of behind the carbs. Sounds like they have it figured out pretty god to me. I'm doing it. My kit will be here next week. 2 hour install. DSorry for the long winded post.
you can use my kit for air box and also make it a sleeper kit its a boondocker kit i got last year
, all you will need is a bottle

its already put together all you would have to do is make your little holes in the air box and bolt it witch it has the bolts it has all you need but a dam bottle there cheep enoff to buy
ebay man

i see bottles there new for 60$
i run 2 1.5lbs bottle at a time
smaller to hide ;)
The only problem I forsee in getting it from you is Boondocker won't recognize me if I have a problem, no warranty, how about the paperwork that comes with the kit? Is it exactly the same as the kit in the pics I posted?
