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Lots of FX Nytro's for sale?

I was uneasy at first with the push and high siding feeling but learning to lean way over and ride it like joe racer and it is a roit but a work out. Cruising down the trail is pretty relaxed. I sat on a new apex though and said to my self I cant ride this....lol
mjaremko said:

What is the FX Nytro supposed to be ?

I've been riding hard on the trail and the back country for 40+ years, as far as the chassis tuning goes, I couldnt find one thing that the Nytro did with any level of competence. If I didnt love the Yamaha brand so much and had this need to make a 4stroke work for me I too would have dumped the thing and moved on.



I have dumped way too much money into my Nytro to make it handle the way I want it to. My last attempt will be to try MJ's mod to lower the center of gravity and take some pressure off the skis.
Turk said:
Too many people did not do their due diligense & researched what the sled was about.
i think the same thing about phazers as well.
569jason said:
So what are guys buying to replace their nytro's? I'm sure they're not getting out. Apexs or vectors, can't see them buying phazers or are they leaving yamaha.
Actually I hnow 4 that dumped them. Two went to the 1200 Doo, one went back to a 2011 Apex and one went to the Turbo cat. Not one of them regret switching.
I have a apex and a nytro xtx, I always choose the xtx. Funnest sled Ive ever owned. Just a good set of skis, and some suspensoin tunnig.
I own a 2008 Nytro and it's bone stock and although it may dart a little it's not that bad. I love the sled and the motor is awesome. The darting is manageable and i dont think it is that hard to handle at all. My next sled is going to be a newer Nytro and nothing else!
I have dumped way too much money into my Nytro to make it handle the way I want it to. My last attempt will be to try MJ's mod to lower the center of gravity and take some pressure off the skis.

What mod are you referring too
I still have my 08 and love it, I love to mod it regardless, I like my sled to be totally different from others on the trail.
berge75 said:
I have a apex and a nytro xtx, I always choose the xtx. Funnest sled Ive ever owned. Just a good set of skis, and some suspensoin tunnig.
ditto, thats the same sleds and mods I have. the apex bores me to death. the longtrack is by far the most addictive sled I have ever ridden. I could jump over a rev while its between moguls
thetruck454 said:
I have dumped way too much money into my Nytro to make it handle the way I want it to. My last attempt will be to try MJ's mod to lower the center of gravity and take some pressure off the skis.

What mod are you referring too

I have a bud with a phazer. he shorten the swaybar close to 3inches to make it stiffer for flat cornering. it works very well. you did to make new alum blocks that holds the swaybar. same as nitro front end.
There still isn't anything available in a 4-stroke that directly competes with the Nytro. The handling issues can be dealt with, but there is no universal one size fits all fix since people want their sled to do different things.

The resale of Nytros in Alaska is not very good. I have no plans to sell mine, but even though the motor lasts forever, the resale doesn't reflect that. Maybe once the sled is around 7-10 years old will the resale be much better than a two stroke.
thetruck454 said:
I have dumped way too much money into my Nytro to make it handle the way I want it to. My last attempt will be to try MJ's mod to lower the center of gravity and take some pressure off the skis.

What mod are you referring too


Very interesting, thanks. Something to keep in mind for summer mods.
AKrider said:
There still isn't anything available in a 4-stroke that directly competes with the Nytro. The handling issues can be dealt with, but there is no universal one size fits all fix since people want their sled to do different things.

The resale of Nytros in Alaska is not very good. I have no plans to sell mine, but even though the motor lasts forever, the resale doesn't reflect that. Maybe once the sled is around 7-10 years old will the resale be much better than a two stroke.

Agreed, 100%.
