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Lots of FX Nytro's for sale?

mjaremko said:
I also now love my Nytro, but it took me 1.5 years of tinkering and 866 miles to get the chassis right. The thing that dissappointed me the most was the shock of how BAD it handeled the first time I rode it. Yamaha's been building great sleds since the 70's ............40 years later with loads of expierence they build something that looks as cool as the Nytro with a bitchen 4stroke engine, then FORGET to tune the chassis, then delivere it basically undeveloped to the general public, what would Yamaha expect to happen?............. OH, loads of them on the market for sale, just like mine almost was. Its just something I did not expect from Yamaha, I will never buy another new Yamaha again untill I first learn about it on Totally Yamaha.

I do now have a love affair with this machine, and I'm sure it will continue for years to come, and I'm glad it happened, I just think that there are very few people out there Like this crew who will take the time to finish the job.


Most people ride them and are perfectly happy stock. Without reading posts on this site, most people probably wouldn't realize their sleds were so "flawed".
That is so true on the above post, have a buddy with a 08. Asked him about the issues at hand and he looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. Haha and he has around 5000 miles on his. But again those are the guys that don't know all that much about sleds or wrenching in general. I really would like to ride there's and see how it handles compared to mine. I feel I have mine set up really well and he has the dealer work on his. So who knows how its set up, he did tell me that he runs one dually carbide and one single to combat the darting. Bet that handles weird! I have no regrets buying my 08 and I love doing the mods-tinkering with it.
