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Major help with zx2

Damn nice sled! Its so CLEAN I need to update mine I just bought it used and its horrible compared to my normal standards LOL

I love the subaru in the background! I had a 04 STI I bought new upgraded to stage 2 and LOVED it my ALL TIME favorite car. Put 63,000 miles on it it was beaten on but well maintained and never had a issue. Wish I could afford the garage space for another one and keep my Denali truck to haul my toys around with!

Ha, yeah bought it brand new in dec 2005, its an 06 wrx, I came into the dealer during winter cause I was fed up with the car I had, just a accident waiting to happen. It had like 1 mile on it from them unloading it. LOL Awesome car. I will not buy any other......

I went out today to looked at the idlers closer to see how close to the lugs on the track.. They look really close but I dont think they will hit. I dont know if adjusting the track tension alignment will change it that much. It looks pretty straight(alignment) as of now.. NOW I NEED SNOW!!!!!! To test it and make sure its all good that is. :Rockon:

Thanks for the comments.

I can think of one thing that can make the track alignment go off - drivers installed off center (out to one of the sides), this will make track adjustments a PITA.

Lift the back of the sled up run the track and let it coast until it stops. Shut down the engine and measure the gap between the track and the tunnel where the track comes down from the drivers. If there is a difference between the left side and right side your drivers are installed off center.

If the front checks out perfect, check distance from the the rear idlers and the edge of the track at 6 O'clock position on both sides. Adjust track until you have the same amount of track from the idlers to the edge of the track at both sides.

While you're at it adjust track tension to spec. When adjusting track tension inside in a heated garage; adjust the track fairly tight, the track should rest pretty close to the sliders when lifted off the ground. The skid shrinks out in the cold making the track tension decreases.

It's also possible that the sliders may be warped laterally. I noticed that there is some play (a couple of mm) in the sliders side to side when mounted on the rails. This could cause your irregular readings from mid to rear.

As long as your wheels are centered and not banging against the lugs, I'd think that you're okay.
That is what iam thinking and since its composite I could prolly add a washer or two to the bowed side? Any negative effects you think?
I still need to do more adjusting of alignment and tension before I do anything else..
No, I'm not saying that the rails may be out of shape, just the sliders, as they sit loose on the rails with a bit of side play. Wiggle them and you'll see.

If you think the composite rails are out of wack, take some measurements and a straight edge to it.
I took some measurements from the track where it comes down off drivers and also at the rear idlers at the 6 oclock position and this is what ive found..
The front measurements are as follows the left side is 1/16th of in inch more then the right side. Measurements for the rear idlers are as follows the left side has less then the right side by 1/4 of in inch. So what I need to do is readjust the rear idlers so the track on each side is the same?

That 1/16th of in inch isnt that much to be concerned with I dont think
I will also check the slider thing you said grim. Didnt even think of that.
Your thoughts....

I don't think 1/16 of an inch is anything to worry about either.

You mention your concern about the rails "bowing", measure the distance from rail to rail then. Measure it at the front, middle and rear axle, taking the idler wheel "slop" out of the equation. They should be the same, no?
Ill have to measure them tomorrow, iam not off until 0600 tomorrow. Ill get back with you guys then.
For those with the EC MONO what did you guys do with your EC wire? Right now I have it coiled up in the right foot well. Is it possible to disconnect it from the computer?

